
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday Sweets

This is my first "Sunday Sweets" post!

I wanted a place to collect my favorite sweet finds that I stumble across throughout the weeks.
When I find something I love, I have to document it and pass it along. (Pinterest was invented for me. I'm so obsessed, and as soon as I get on the site, my productivity is over for the day.

Apparently, Pinterest is not enough. And I find the need to share my super favorites here.

Hopefully, one of my "sweets" might encourage or inspire you to try something new or share with friends. Enjoy!

But first.....

What I Had For Breakfast Today: Cinnamon-Sugar Blueberry Oats. [I'm an oatmeal fanatic. Cottage cheese makes them soooooo good.]

Favorite Must-Make-Soon Dessert: Pumpkin Layered Cheesecake  (<--I love this blog!)

Favorite Mouth-Watering Dish: Green Bean Casserole is one of my favorite family dishes, and it's a must-have on our Thanksgiving table. I love my Mama's recipe. It's classic. But I WANT to try this!

Best Entertaining Idea: Such a great way to thank your guests for sharing in this holiday.

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Favorite Fashion Find: I want this outfit!

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Current Scent I'm Loving: Paula Deen's Pecan Pie candle! I bought this treasure when my husband and I went to Savannah on our vacation this year. We purchased it from her shop next to her restaurant (where I had the best dessert ever!), and I've been hoarding it all summer waiting for this time of year.

My living room smells like Thanksgiving every night!

Favorite Craft Idea: DIY Christmas gift tags (which I found here)

Favorite Dish I Want Right Now: These Brown Butter Mashed Potatoes. I can't stop thinking about these!

Best Helpful Tip: Make the perfect bow with a fork!

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Favorite Fitness Tip: This is what I need to hear every time I don't want to drag myself out of bed in the wee hours of the morning.

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Favorite Place: Isn't that sky gorgeous? That would be beautiful on a morning stroll.

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Best Gift Idea: I'm loving this wrapping idea! So simple and elegant. LOVE

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Don't You Just Hate That Fact: #135 Listening to a detailed explanation of how to do something you already know how to do. [Ugghh, I hate when this happens.]

Current CD Obsession: Love Lady A. I've been listening to this album for months and I'm still obsessed!

Own The Night by Lady Antebellum cover

Best Day Brightener: God guides us, despite our uncertainties and our vagueness, even through our failings and mistakes....He leads us step by step, from event to event. Only afterwards, as we look back over the way we have we experience the feeling of having been led without knowing it, the feeling that God has mysteriously guided us.   --Paul Tournier

I hope you enjoyed this Sunday's favorite finds.

Was there something you came across this week and just have to share?

With Love and God Bless,

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