
Friday, December 2, 2011

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Last week, the day before Thanksgiving, Mr. B and I put up our Christmas tree and filled our house with other holiday decorations. We put on Christmas carols and got to it. Six hours later, and two trips to Target for more lights, we had a beautiful tree!

So without further ado, here are a few snap shots of our home for the holidays.....

Love these salt and pepper shakers.

I love snowmen. LOVE.

Isn't it B-E-A-utiful? 1,400 lights on its 6 1/2-foot frame.

[Cough, we so could have put on more, cough.)

There's a tradition in my family. Each year Mama buys my brother and I ornaments for the tree. Sadly, this tradition stopped once we turned 18 and moved out of the house, but there are so many ornaments on that tree I don't know how she could fit one more. But it's the most beautiful tree in the world.

So, naturally, I had to continue this tradition with my own family.

This was the ornament I bought for my husband and I last year. Our very first Christmas as husband and wife.

And this is this year's ornament. I love these Willow figurines, and was thrilled when I found the ornament.

We finally had to get Siamese her own ornament. (All of our pets are still represented on my parents' tree. Hey, they're family too.)

I always have my manger scene.

And, of course, Phoebo. He stays quite full throughout the holidays.

*Once Mr. B's holiday M&M's are gone, I'm filling it with my favorite: Holiday Kisses!

With Love and God Bless,

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