
Saturday, February 18, 2012

What I'm Reading

This month for the Ladies and Literature Book Club I'm reading Outlander. I had never heard of this series until I saw it on Good Reads. Apparently the eighth book is coming out this year, and there's rumors of a movie premiering next year. I talked to a few co-workers about the book and they just couldn't believe I had never read it. "It will change your life!" one co-worker exclaimed.
I don't know about life-changing, but it's a book I'd recommend reading. After WWII, the main character, Claire, is vacationing with her husband. One day she touches some ancient rocks and ends up lost in The Highlands of 1774. The attention to historical detail is phenomenal. It took a little while to get into the book, but pretty soon I was lost in The Highlands myself. Other than the numerous "passion" scenes (which I tended to skim over) I was thoroughly intrigued, and I am now reading the second book in the series, Dragonfly In Amber.

A Wrinkle In Time
This is the next read for my Book Club. We chose to read the whole five-book children's series by our next meeting in April. I finished the first installment and I found it not as enjoyable as I did when I first read it in 6th grade. I think it's because I'm an adult now and I need more of an explanation. The book ends quickly, with no reason to why things happened. I need to know! That's the problem with being an adult and needing to know the whys and logic of everything. I'll be starting the second book soon, and I've been told the books get stranger and stranger.....

For my own pleasure....

Anne of Green Gables
I just adore Anne! (with an "e" please.) I cannot wait to read the rest of the series (there's 8 books total) and watch Anne's life take shape. This series is a favorite of one of my best friend's and she has told me over and over again that I should read it. Now, I'm devastated that I missed out on this great character and wonderful classic as a child! A series every little girl should know! *However my friend was kind enough to tell me to have a box of tissues nearby.....a box for each book.

The Help
I'm still not completely sure on this book. I am about a quarter of the way through and keep fighting the urge to stop reading. I can't put my finger on it, but I don't know what it is that I don't like. It's not the subject matter because that's what inspired me to read it. Maybe it's all the hype....the style it's written in....the lack of concrete images....I'm not sure. But I'm really struggling to get through it, mainly so I can watch the movie and compare the two. I know if I put this book down I'm never going to pick it up again.

Have you read and good books lately? Share your good reads in the comments!

With Love and God Bless,


  1. I love book posts!

    I've had Outlander on my Nook for a while now (it was free a year or so ago) and I decided to jump in after reading your post. So far so good. Thanks for the recommendation :)

    I have loved Madeleine L'Engle since I first read Wrinkle in junior high. I recently re-read "Meet the Austins" and like you said, I feel a little letdown. I remember loving her books incredibly, and I'm a little afraid of re-reading more right now and having them not living up to my preteen mindset.

    And you've met Anne!! You've just found a lifelong friend. I didn't read those books until high school, and they're definitely some of my favorites. I love the first three volumes best (esp Avonlea) though all are wonderful. I would highly recommend the audiobook versions read by Barbara Carouso if you like audiobooks. She is an excellent narrator and Anne & Co really come to life in her reading.

    Thanks for the book post :)

    1. Hey! Yes, Anne is definitely a lifelong friend and I can't wait to dive into the rest of the books. I'm so happy you went back to Outlander. I'm about 3/4 of the way through the second one. Feel free to leave more book suggestions!
