
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sunday Sweets

1. Mr. B informed me there was a Zoup! near my work. I was beyond excited. I never drive that specific way and so I was oblivious to the fact that it had been there for 3 months! And nobody told me. After I found out, I had it for lunch on Tuesday. And once I saw there was plenty of space, I made the executive decision to have our Book Club meeting there on Friday. Their Tomato Basil is my favorite. Sooooo good.

2. Vera Bradley!!!!! On Thursday my family, friends and I headed out to Ft. Wayne, Indiana for the VB Outlet Sale. When I walked into the auditorium, I was so overwhelmed happy I wanted to cry. It was absolutely beautiful.

2.1 Mr. B made the tiny suggestion that I leave my card at home and only use the cash that I brought. Silly man.

3. I wanted everything. My garbage bag was over-flowing by the time I pulled it aside to assess the damage. I had almost $500 worth of VB....and that was the total at sale price. Eeek! I had to put things back or Mr. B would kill me. Or we could go without cable for the rest of the yearI mean we had discussed this possibility before... Hey, don't judge. That thought has crossed my mind on more than one occasion.

3.1 Alas, I put more than half back, like another sunglasses case, three purses, an address book, the apron, a curling iron case, flip flops, two wallets and the book bag I desperately coveted. I got all the way to check out with a headphone case (in Watercolor) before I remembered I used big headphones. I don't even like the little ones. Mama gladly took it off my hands.

4. Here's my actual damage: Large Duffel in Lemon Parfait, Good Book Case in Safari Sunset, Mini Hipster in Watercolor, Imperial Toile in Angle Tote (THE hot item of the sale), and Alice in Lemon Parfait. All for under $150.....I saved over $300!
Excuse me for a minute while I lay in my pile.

5. Another bonus of the VB trip...on the way home we stopped for dinner and I ordered a root beer float. I haven't had one of those since my days as a car hop back in high school when I was in desperate need of gas money, and the childish desire to grow up and get a job. What was I thinking? But that root beer float was sinfully delicious.

6. For National Library Week, my place of work held a baked potato staff luncheon. It was divine. I didn't get the memo about dressing up as your favorite book character (my boss was Katniss--LOVED), but I did win Mr. Potato Head.

7. I'm obsessed with these shoes and am convinced these would be darling flats.

8. I can't help it but when I look at this beautiful picture of Miranda Lambert's wedding, I'm filled with intense jealousy. Why didn't I do this for my wedding?! Mr. B. We're getting married again. This summer. ASAP.

9. I'm officially a Goldie! A month and half ago I reached Starbucks' Gold Card status. However, it took them forever to get the card to me. But I received it in the mail last Saturday!!!!! That's right, baby. GOLD.

10. I baked attempted a strawberry cake today. For some reason, the cake did not want to come out of the pan. I was determined to save it. My strawberry cake is now falling down. Ai-yi-yi.

With Love and God Bless,

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