
Monday, May 28, 2012

Sunday Sweets (On a Monday...Night)


2. I hope everybody had a great weekend filled with cookouts, parades, family and ice cream. Lots of ice cream :)

3. My brother flew in from South Carolina this weekend. I've missed him sooooooo much. I hate not being able to see him whenever I want. It's just awful. But I spent all the time I could with him because I won't see him again until Christmas...and this is a maybe :(

4. My little sister graduated from high school on Sunday, which, sadly, kind of makes me feel old. Anyhoo....CONGRATS!
My brother, Cody, the graduate, Cherokee, and me

5. Okay. So, THE most stressful thing in the world is buying a new house. So many things to consider and think about and anticipate and mull over and decide and there's plenty of time to second guess yourself and.....this list is getting tiresome. And I'm getting stressed.

4. Here's a sneak peek into my new life as a Youth Services Librarian.

These are just some of the new books that are no longer "new" that needed shelved. (I had two! more piles just like that on my desk in the back!)

5. By the way, I'm sad because I realized earlier this week I'm never going to actually finish all of the books I want to read. By the time I finish one book, I've already added 10 more to my "to-read" list. Ai yi yi.

6. I had to work on Saturday which mainly consisted of me buried under a pile of cut-outs and paper as I finished up the Summer Reading Bulletin. To say I was having a blast is a huge understatement.

(I wish I could have made it bigger, but we have such high ceilings I can't really hang stuff.)

7. Weird experience: Mr. B was having some foot pain so we went to see "Dr. Scholl" (haha). I never knew going to the doctor could be so much fun.

8. I'm dreading summer. I hate shorts and the stage where I'm white as a ghost until I get my first tan. Ugghhhhh....

9. And I'm not a tanning-bed-before-summer kind of gal. The idea of skin cancer and ageing faster with wrinkled skin is not high on my list.

10. Over the weekend I was not home because I was visiting family. The other night Mr. B called to inform me that our beautiful planter was knocked over....and broken. There is no way it fell over on its own. We're pretty sure it was those darn neighbor kids. "We can't have anything nice."

11. I've been super stressed with my new job and house hunting that I've been enjoying some must-needed "me and wine" time fairly often this week :)

12. Oh, and I think I'm moving my "Sunday Sweets" back to every other week. I don't seem to have the time to blog about other things....and to be honest, I miss the variety of my posts. Soooo....see ya in two weeks :)

With Love and God Bless,

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