
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Chew: Homemade Fudge

It's July, and as promised, I have a few new features coming to Sweet B's Impressions. Since I'm constantly trying out and adding my own twists to new recipes from around the blog world, my various cookbooks, mouth-watering pins on Pinterest and TV, I decided to start a few "Recipe in Review" posts. I'm aiming for a review or two a month. [But please don't hunt me down if I fall behind. I don't plan to....but life happens, ya know?]

My first such post had to be this Homemade Fudge I watched Carla Hall make on The Chew a couple months ago. (Love, love, love this show. It's definitely been my addiction since it first aired way back last October and, besides Rizzoli and Isles, is the only thing I watch on TV...well, my sports of course and the occasional Food Network show.)

Let me tell you about this fudge. But first let me just say that I am not a huge fudge-consuming person. (Except for my Grandma Bays' Peanut Butter Fudge, which sadly no one has been able to exactly duplicate since her passing a few years ago. And I long for her fudge every holiday.)

So when I heard Ms. Carla Hall say, "Who doesn't like fudge?" as she began her segment, I raised my hand. But then all these thoughts and versions started floating through my mind as I watched her create this super easy and quick fudge. I just had to give it a shot with my favorite ingredients which just happened to be lying around the kitchen.

And, yes, it is just as mouth-watering as it looks. So.freaking.good. LOVE.

I made it for a little get-together my friends and I had, and I was thrilled when everyone could taste the espresso...because I barely could. Next time I'm adding a whole shot and skipping the extract. (I like my espresso my men.) It was barely sweet, which I loved. And had just the right amount of nuts, which I, too, loved.

I had fully intended on saving some for when my friend Jessica and I next saw each other (because I told her all about it and she was dying to try some), but late at night I found myself sneaking into the freeze for a bite. I don't know what happened, but eventually all I had left was an empty container with chocolate smudges.

Homemade Espresso Fudge with Pistachios
*adapted from The Chew

1 1/2 c shelled pistachios
1 lb good quality dark chocolate, finely chopped (I prefer at least 65% dark chocolate...the higher the better my friends)
2 Tbsp unsalted butter, cut into small pats
1 can sweetened condensed milk
Pinch salt
1 tsp almond extract
2 tsp strongly brewed espresso, or espresso granules (maybe a full shot next time and no extract)

Line an 8"x8" pan with two strips of parchment paper the width of the pan with at least a 3" overhang on each side. In a glass bowl, mix chocolate, butter, milk and salt.  Place bowl over double boiler with simmering water.  Stir until chocolate is smooth, about 5 - 10 minutes. Remove bowl from heat, dry bottom of bowl, and stir in extract and espresso.  Fold in pistachios. Pour mixture into prepared dish and smooth with spoon or offset spatula.

Chill in fridge until set, about 1 1/2 hours.  Cut fudge into desired size with a sharp knife.  After each cut, wipe knife with a damp paper towel.

*I'm thinking of adding dried cranberries and blueberries for a Christmas twist this holiday season.


With Love and God Bless,

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