
Monday, August 27, 2012

7 Days 1 Challenge: Thirty-Five

Tea. Tea. And more tea. That's how I would sum up last week. Oh, and some wine.

As I was putting away my tea and coffee things (onto their own personal shelf in my brand new big kitchen, I might add) I was surprised to see they I need more tea. I do not have enough options. (Or as Mr. B likes to say, "opinions.")

I hope your tea last week helped with your crazy and busy life. I know it did with mine, and this is one challenge I plan to incorporate into my daily routine.

But we're moving on because it's Monday and time for a new challenge!

*In case you're new to these challenges, the challenge starts on Monday and ends Sunday night. The following Monday I'll post a new challenge.

This week's challenge:
Organize one room.
Google Images
Is it sad that I could be that girl in the above photo because I love organization?!

Yes. I know.

But this organizational challenge comes at a perfect time because I have a few rooms that still need to be unpacked and straightened from our move into our new home this past weekend :)

Kitchen. Unpacked that night. I need a bigger pantry. For those of you who've seen my gigantic pantry, it's deceiving.

Living Room.
Master Bedroom.
Mr. B.'s Man Cave. Unpacked on Sunday.

My goal this week is to finish the bathrooms and the guest bedroom. I'm sure our guests will love the scrapbooking supplies that is currently decorating the floor, but it should be at least organized...

And, good night, do I have a lot of scrapbooking materials. And it's even more sad that I haven't found the time to scrapbook in almost two years.

I blame it on books. Baking. Yoga. Friends. Mr. B. Siamese. FRIENDS. Books. The Olympics. Working out. Football. Grocery shopping. Oh, and a new home. I blame them all. I don't have time to do anything ;)

But enough about me and back to this week's challenge.

Take the week to slowly organize that room that you've been putting off, or that basement/garage/closet/junk drawer that's been driving you nuts.

We'll be one organizing nation this week!

And feel free to share before and after photos!

Who wants to take the weekly challenge? Let me know by sharing your thoughts/struggles and link ups below!

With Love and God Bless,

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