
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Eight Things I'm Loving Right Now

1. Tall Dirty Chai. (Chai Latte with a shot of espresso. Except I like mine with two.)

When I found out about this heaven in a cup back in January (it's not listed on their menu) I was in love. And then I went back to my Caramel Macchiato favorite and completely forgot about this little gem. That is until a couple of weeks ago. Now I can't stop getting them!!!!!!


Wait. Don't.

I'm enjoying this torture.

And now it's almost hot apple cider season. Their Caramel Apple Spice is just awesome. And then it will be hot chocolate season. And their Signature Hot Chocolate is to.die.for. Ahhh....Starbucks. I'm sure it's my greatest obsession. Ever.

2. The Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon.

I've been reading this series since January and I'm only on Book #4, Drums of Autumn. These books are huge and there's a lot of them, but I can't stop. I get lost in Claire and Jamie's Scottish world. It's historical fiction/romance and Gabaldon's writing is done so well you can't help but to be overly involved and intrigued.


My co-worker is currently listening to the series' audio books. She says they're fabulous. But I started with the print and I have to finish with the print. But maybe the next time around....

3. Painting.


Everglade Glen

I love painting It's my favorite thing to do when it comes to re-modeling (and I have done a lot of it in my lifetime). However, taking down wallpaper in order to paint, definitely not high on my list of....anything actually. Except maybe my list of things I least like to do....

But it's down and now more painting!

4. The Olympics.

It's true they're over, but my girls rocked it! Misty and Kerri are still the QUEENS of the sand! Here's looking forward to Rio in 2016! (BTW, I'm devastated that Misty is retiring.)

In the meantime, I'm dying to get onto the sand volleyball court that's in the park across the street.
Who wants to play?

5. Organization!

Between organizing my desk at work (multiple times a week) and organizing our new home, I'm definitely Organization Nation over here! But I can't help it. I have to have things organized. If not I stress. Then I freak out. Then no one wants to be around me.

Then I need a cup of tea.

6. Robek's Naturally Coffee Smoothie.

Every time I go I usually get the P-Nut Power Shake, but then I decided to try the coffee.

Because I love coffee.

And why not?

And I need a little pick me up.

Best decision I made that week for sure.

7. Football.

With the season quickly approaching, I'm ecstatic. This is my favorite time of year....cooler weather, gorgeous foliage, cobblers, boots and comfy sweaters, and all things fall. Including my football!! And fantasy football! And I just have to share this: Last year I went undefeated in my fantasy football league. I mean through the regular season and playoffs. Me. Undefeated. Pure awesome-ness. I got a trophy and everything to beautify my Yahoo! profile. And then my account was hacked. I had to delete it. No more trophy. No more glory. Tear.


NFL. College. High School.


8. And of course, Our new home!

And saying "good bye" to our apartment.


I wake up every day thanking the Lord for this blessing. A lot of sweat and tears went into this house in order to make it our home. But God never gives us more than we can handle; however, I'm sure He would have liked us to have handled it differently haha.

This is why we need lists.

And coffee.

With Love and God Bless,


  1. I love reading about all the things you love, it makes me feel like Im still in your life even though we hardly ever see each other :(
    I can't wait to come see your house "all put together"!

    1. Jessica, this made me cry. Your are still in my life. I know we don't see each other as much because of our busy lives, but things are slowing down on my end. And I'm so blessed that we still live close enough that we CAN see each other!. I cannot wait for our cookie session :) XOXO
