
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday Sweets

1. The high for today is low 70s. That's nice. Now I can't have my fire because that would be dumb. But the sun shining on the fall colors and the wind carrying the leaves is just gorgeous.

2. Don't you just hate when you plan all day to watch a movie and you get home and realize you don't actually own that movie. Yeah, happened to me on Friday. I just finished reading Breakfast at Tiffany's (which is our book club read for the month) and I wanted to watch the movie. I was excited all day anticipating a relaxing evening comparing notes and getting my dose of Audrey Hepburn. But nooooo, I don't own that movie.

Source: Yahoo! Images

3. So I watched P.S. I Love You instead, and spent most of the night bawling. Why I do it to myself I don't know.

Source: Yahoo! Images

4. Watching my Brownies and hoping we might win one game this year. Ugh, heartbreak. At least I have this tasty snack plate to keep me happy. I've been obsessed with fresh strawberries combined with fresh mozzarella. So good.

And I have some maple-coated pistachios. Mmmm

5. I also have some Pumpkin Pie Granola in the oven. Really interested in trying this...I'm not a huge pumpkin fan so we'll see. But the house smells lovely.

6. Wait, TOUCHDOWN!!!!!! Sorry, where were we?

7. I want to have people over for dinner so I can make this pretty centerpiece.

I mean we have a ton of wood out there. I don't think Mr. B would mind if I used one piece.

8. Is it bad that I'm enjoying all of the Christmas decor in the stores already? Or that I'm super excited for Black Friday? :)

9. And I really want this and this for Christmas!!

Please and thank you.

10. Here's a little inspiration for your Sunday.

With Love and God Bless,

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