
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sunday Sweets

1. O-H-I-O!

My boys are PERFECT! And even though we're not in the BCS Championship game (we should be!), I'm very proud of this season. Job well done, Buckeyes. :)

2. Annnnnd Kent State is AWESOME this year....MAC Championship game and Bowl contenders! I am loving this football season (college only, the Browns are quite lacking).

3. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Mr. B had to work all day, unfortunately, so I spent the holiday with my family, and we had food galore. Super-pumped that there were plenty of leftovers to feed us through Saturday. But it's Sunday and now I have to cook. I have this going on the stove. Perfect on this cold day.

4. Speaking of cookware, Mr. B and I went to Kohl's at midnight for their awesome sale on the Food Network pots and pans, and we bought the last black set. He knew I wouldn't be able to wait until Christmas, so I broke those babies out and I love what I'm seeing so far. Yay for new pans!!!

5. Let me tell you, this was the best Black Friday shopping ever. The line for Kohl's wasn't too long, only had to stand outside for a half an hour, no pushing, fighting, running or screaming. We were in and out in less than 30 minutes, so we decided to peruse whatever was left at Walmart. Ummm it was a ghost town, but we still found a few CDs and DVDs we wanted along with some cat food (why not, we were there). Then we headed to Target (but first Mr. B took me to Starbucks, of course), again ghost town, and purchased some pillows. We were home by 3 A.M. A definite first.

6. I kind of got a little side-tracked there, so back to Thanksgiving. I made this tasty and cheesy spinach dip. You can find the recipe here. It was simple, quick, and a hit.

7. Also, I've been eating pumpkin bread for dinner for the last two days and I had it for breakfast this morning. I'm not a fan of pumpkin anything really, but this is delightful. It's my boss' recipe. She brought it to our meeting a few weeks ago. At first I cringed because I don't like pumpkin. But I cut myself half a piece, to be polite, and told myself I could eat it.  Sooooo happy I did. I had to go back for my other half and begged her for the recipe. It's moments like these when I'm thankful Mama always enforced the "one bite" rule.

I will be posting this recipe soon!

8. Now, I'm off to enjoy some soup and to hunt down the box of Christmas cards I know is around here somewhere....

With Love and God Bless,

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