
Monday, January 7, 2013

7 Days 1 Challenge: Two

Okay, I've rid the house of five un-used items, and feeling de-cluttered and a little more organized, I think we should keep this ball rolling. Therefore, this week's challenge is sort of in the same direction...

*In case you're new to these challenges, the challenge starts on Monday and ends Sunday night. The following Monday I'll post a new challenge.

This week's challenge:
Make a list of goals.

I'm not big on the word "resolution." It's similar to my dislike of "diet." Society has given these words negative connotations, I believe, and people tend to shy away or disapprove, etc. ("dieting" because I'm too fat, but only for a while.... or "resolutions" are usually broken....).

New Year's Resolutions.

Goals for the New Year.

The latter sounds much better and is more optimistic. So let's get out those notepads, open a document or jot down a few goals and email them as a reminder. What are your goals for the new year?

Check out, "the smartest way to set and achieve your goals." The site acts as a virtual commitment journal, something new I'm aiming to try out this year.

Who wants to take the weekly challenge? Let me know by sharing your thoughts/struggles and link ups below!

With Love & God Bless,

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