
Monday, February 11, 2013

7 Days 1 Challenge: Seven

I love breakfast. I think it's my favorite meal of the day. Or maybe it's because I love breakfast foods. Oatmeal. Grits. Eggs. Waffles. Smoothies. Bagels. Biscuits and gravy. Ohhhh, my. I hope everyone made plenty of time to eat something in the A.M. this past week.

Now sticking with food, here's the next challenge.

*In case you're new to these challenges, the challenge starts on Monday and ends Sunday night. The following Monday I'll post a new challenge.

This week's challenge:
No snacking between meals.

Sometimes all I need is a Larabar or some trail mix to get me from lunch to dinner. Or maybe that Hershey Kiss in my drawer or the red Starburst sitting in that bowl on the table. But not this week. (Which is a good thing considering Valentine's Day is on Thursday and candy is everywhere.) This week I'm challenging myself to be satisfied with my meals.

I like to do this every once in a while to get my meals in check, to find out if I'm getting my fill at meals or am I so hungry I end up eating something before my next one. It's important to have a decent serving of protein at each meal because that is what keeps you energized and full. If I find myself desperately needing a snack, is it because I'm "bored," it's there, or I'm hungry? Do I need to revamp my meals? Join me in taking this week to find out!

P.S. It's how the French stay thin...they don't snack between meals.

Who wants to take the weekly challenge? Let me know by sharing your thoughts/struggles and link ups below!

With Love & God Bless,

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