
Monday, April 22, 2013

7 Days 1 Challenge: Seventeen

Okay, y'all, this is the last one and we've come full circle: 52 weeks of mini challenges.

Fifty-two Mondays. Fifty-two opportunities to try something new.

Fifty-two small accomplishments.

*In case you're new to these challenges, the challenge starts on Monday and ends Sunday night. The following Monday I'll post a new challenge.

This week's challenge:
20-minute walk every day.

Hit the trail, the road, or the treadmill this week for a short daily walk. Mr. B and I walked to the park across the street every day it's been nice these past few weeks...which currently are few and far between. But this week it is supposed to be a little warmer (high 50s), so I'm hoping to bundle up in the mornings/evenings and catch a short walk before work or after dinner. I encourage you to get out, too. :)

Who wants to take the weekly challenge? Let me know by sharing your thoughts/struggles and link ups below!

I hope everyone enjoyed these mini challenges. Check out my Challenged page for a list of all 52 challenges!

With Love & God Bless,

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