
Sunday, May 12, 2013


Sooooo, here's what I've been obsessed with lately......

But first, let me give a shout out to my mama.

Happy Mother's Day, Mama!

I hope everyone is celebrating their own mamas today, spoiling them with food, flowers, love, and gifts. Or maybe dinner out. Or a pedicure. Or a new tumbler.

Or maybe you're having a Very Vera Mother's Day like a few mamas I know.....

Anyhoo, here's a look at what has been going on at Sweet B's lately.

New running shoes.

Gardening. Slowly.

Cleaning up messes like this at work. Ai. Yi. Yi.

Neighborly baking. The little girls next door made us a delicious plate of chocolate chip cookies.

Extra space at my library. I can finally (!) purchase more CDS and audio books for my collection.

Landscaping and growing grass. Haha.

And a fantastic Pinkalicious Tea Party.

With Love and God Bless,

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