
Saturday, June 22, 2013

A Photo an Hour

7 AM

 8 AM

9 AM

10 AM

11 AM

12 PM

1 PM

2 PM

3 PM

4 PM

5 PM

6 PM

7 PM

8 PM

9 PM

10 PM

*Note: Yesterday was the first day in a very long time that I really didn't have to run around on my day off, so I finally enjoyed some "me" time with a few books whenever I had the chance; plus I had Book Club last night! And of course I had to celebrate the First Day of Summer with ice cream (peanut butter and pistachio gelato, in case you're wondering). Also, the photo of Mr. B: we've decided to get rid of cable and he's testing our new antenna.... Oh, and the travel items are for my upcoming conference trip to Chicago next week.

With Love and God Bless,

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