
Tuesday, November 5, 2013


I'm currently....

Watching...How the Grinch Stole Christmas (the short cartoon). Yes I know, November just began, but I love Christmas and everything to do with the wonderful happenings November and December bring. But, I'm actually watching this holiday classic because I'm creating an interactive Grinch program at work for the kiddos. It's only a few weeks away and my planning butt needs to get a move on.

Eating...a lot of soup. Bring on the colder weather! Yesterday I had this tasty Harvest Apple Soup, and today I'm enjoying this Italian Wedding Soup. Both soups are simple and quick, (and filling for sure), plus they're healthy. And these girls know their stuff; I just can't get enough of their blogs. Make sure you stop by and try out a few fabulous recipes. I seriously could eat soup every day, October through March. But I enjoy it in the heat of summer, too ;)

Planning...the holidays!! The food, the many family gatherings, fitting in birthday parties, scheduling time spent with friends, holiday shopping and, of course, the baking. Honestly, when September hits all I can think about is Christmas (and fall, I really do love fall). My calendar is already full of holiday activities and I LOVE IT.

Reading...I've been getting back to and focusing on my devotionals these past few days. Because of our work schedules we hadn't made it to church in a couple of weeks, and this past Saturday we finally made it [together] and heard a wonderful and inspiring sermon on how the Holy Spirit speaks to us. It was beautiful and moving, and I'm diving right in to His Word for more.

Inspired by...#thankfulNovember. I look forward to this because I enjoy seeing my friends and family participate in posting on or talking about what they're thankful for each day. It's inspiring and can make us stop and recognize all the things we take for granted on a daily basis. Simple things that others don't have, are praying for. If you aren't involved, I encourage you to do so. It really brings you closer to your own thanksgiving, examining all of your blessings. Check out a few of my recent posts on my own gratitude.

Excited about...this weekend's trip to Frankenmuth, and the hubby is going with me this year!!!!! I.cannot.wait.I' Last year I went with Mama, and you can entertain yourselves with that adventure over here. As I said before, I LOVE Christmas. <3 Can't wait to tell you all about it when we get back....and if you've never been to Bronner's CHRISTmas Wonderland, and you love this holiday, add it to your bucket list immediately.

Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.

With Love and God Bless,

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