
Monday, November 25, 2013

Inspiration for Your Week

Happy Monday!

Happy Short Work Week!

(or, I'm hoping everyone has off at least Thanksgiving.)

I don't like the fact that some people have to work the holidays. My husband is one of those people; crime doesn't stop just because it's a holiday. Fortunately, he was able to get Thanksgiving off this year, and we will be spending it with my family. CHEERS!

I understand some people don't celebrate the holidays, or have no family (or family they want to be around, which I find very heartbreaking) and do not mind working. But retail stores opening up early Thanksgiving night just to get an early sale....why is it so hard to wait a few more hours until midnight or 4 a.m.? I admit, my family and I are guilty of Black Friday shopping. It's been a tradition for a couple of years now, but last year we kind of called it quits. We refuse to interrupt our Thanksgiving. Last year the hubby and I went out around 2 a.m. to snatch up a good deal on some new kitchen pans and some pillows, but that was it. The earlier the stores are opening is all the more reason I want to not participate. Not to mention all the camping out at stores a week before...ridiculous.

I'd rather be home with my family. And I think that is what's wrong with our society today. Spending time with our loved ones should be much higher than anything else, especially a great deal on a TV or boots. (My family actually did the shopping with each other; it was a nice way to extend our holiday together....but now it's a little much.)

We need to spend more time inside the home.
We need to spend more time with our families.
We need to spend more time with God and His Word.

Second Timothy 3:16 reminds us "all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." (KJV)

My pastor is doing an awesome series on "Talking with God." You can view past sermons on the church's web site here.

I've had Randy Houser's "Back to God" in my head all weekend, and felt it was on my heart to share with you all. Enjoy.

With Love and God Bless,

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