
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A Weekend {Christmas} Adventure

It's Fankenmuth time! (Or it was over a month ago....cheers to an already I-don't-know-how-because-I-started-much-earlier-this-year busy holiday season!)

Last year, Mama and I went to Frankenmuth, you can read all about that here, hoping to turn it into a family tradition every Christmas season. Welp, I kept the tradition going this year along with Mr. B. (Mama had another big trip planned, you can read about that here.) I was stoked to be heading back to the beautiful and BIG store where they celebrate Christmas every day of the year.

If you've never been, you must add it to your bucket list. Frankenmuth is absolutely wonderful, and it's a perfect spot for a mini family vacation.

I know Mr. B and I went to Vegas this year, by plane and we usually prefer car vacations, so it had been a while since an actual "road trip," but you would have thought it was our first time. We didn't start out as early as we envisioned. We were behind on picking up the rental car. (I know it's only a five-hour one-way trip, but a rental adds to the fun. And, you know, we do what we want.) That put us behind on our traditional breakfast...which, for Mr. B, consists of a McDonald's Big Breakfast. We rarely eat out, and even more rare is fast food, but his Big Breakfast is a vacation tradition. It's the only time he ever eats it, and he always looks forward to it. When we realized we were getting on the turnpike, we decided to grab breakfast once we were on it, at one of those side plaza stop thingys. Yeah, ummm no. None featured a McDonald's. And by the time we would have come across one, they would have stopped serving breakfast. Mr. B was not happy. We settled for a bagel. Well, I was happy with my power bagel (peanut butter and cream cheese) and coffee.

This bagel sent me down memory lane, reminiscing about the good ol' college days when my bestie/roomie and I would meet for an Einstein Bros. bagel and rush off to class. Ahh, it's been a while, Einstein's.

And then, you know, we crossed into that ridiculous state up north. Yes, broke out in hives, again.

We made a mandatory stop in Dundee, MI so I could show the hubby the huge Cabela's store. Last year with Mama, I found him a great winter coat, the cheap price was baffling. And again, what do you know, he discovered another awesome coat he wanted at another awesome discounted price. Cabela's, my friends, is the place for men's coats. Plus, I scored this cute shirt. I adore plaid. And flannel.

Of course, I had to pick up my jerky. Mr. B couldn't believe the price of jerky, which is costly anywhere, but it's vacation. And I want the jerky to go with my plaid shirt. Deal.

LOVE IT. It's gone before you know it. And guess who ate most of it? His name starts with Mr.

After checking into our hotel, and finding a way around all of the construction, we finally made it to Frankenmuth. We were starved, but the restaurant we wanted to try was packed, so much that the line outside went down the block and was about a three-hour wait. Ummm no. (Mama and I ate at The Brewery last year, which was still a two-hour wait.) We decided to head into Bronner's instead and pick up something small at their snack bar while we perused the many, many ornaments. Two hours later we emerged with multiple bags and a slightly lighter wallet.

*Apparently, I like to take pictures of my husband's back side. I am one happy wife ;)

After Bronner's I took him over to the Silent Night Chapel, where he signed our names in the guest book, and then we went back to Zehnder's where the wait was now only a half hour...much more manageable and inside. Then we did a little shopping in the various little stores lining downtown, picking up a few Christmas gifts here and there. And one day I will spend the money and take a horse-drawn carriage ride!!

Psst...check out his new Cabela's coat.

Sunday morning found us back at all the quaint little shops in the Plaza that we didn't get to the night before. Mr. B is not quite the shopping enthusiast Mama is...nor does he make me take random pictures with strangers in costumes. So needless to say, he was not enthralled with my wanting to go into every store. Nor was he delighted by the cold, windy morning. Nor did he find the price of fudge and toffee reasonable. But, he was amused while listening to the college-aged girls in front of us asking the college-aged boy behind the counter of the little coffee shop what A half hour later, finally I had my Americano in hand. Mr. B concluded there is no way that kid is there because he likes coffee. "He's only there to meet chicks." Thank you, Mr. B.

Yes, that was the last stop. My hubby was all shopped out and ready to head home, and there was a 49ers game on TV, cough, cough.

On the road again.

Road trip love.

With Love and God Bless,

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