
Sunday, December 22, 2013

CHRISTmas Sunday Inspirational

It's so close to Christmas I can taste it. It tastes like hard candy, cookies, and hot cocoa.

It smells like Christmas trees and cinnamon. It sounds like "'Twas the night before Christmas...," bells ringing, "Silent Night," and Merry Christmas well-wishes.

It feels like big hugs, warm blankets, Grandma kisses, and cozy fireplaces. It looks like twinkling lights, pretty paper, and rows of Christmas cards.

What it does not look like: WHITE.

Where is all of my snow?! We just had a ton of snow and freezing temperatures, and now it's rain, Flash Flood warnings, and 60 degrees?! Mr. Green Christmas, feel free to move on at anytime now--and quickly. Christmas is in 3 days. Mama told me the saying goes, "if you have a white Thanksgiving then you have a green Christmas." Phooey. (Side note: I told my friend this and she said "I'm sure your mom is a wonderful person, but she's wrong." Haha. Here's hoping Mama is wrong, but the odds appear to be in her favor. However, there has been too many green Thanksgivings AND Christmases.)

On this Green Sunday Before Christmas, we're celebrating Christmas with my family, so Merry Christmas! Enjoy this beautiful Christmas carol, "Mary, Did You Know?" by Rascal Flatts...arguably my favorite version.

Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. --Isaiah 7:14 (KJV)

And, of course, my favorite song this season :)

With Love and God Bless,

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