
Friday, January 17, 2014


I'm currently....

Watching...heading to the theater to see American Hustle with my friend. It's friend date night, and I'm in desperate need of Jessica time. I haven't seen her since this. (Also, a little Jeremy Renner never hurt anyone, either. wink, wink)

Eating...a vegan diet. I'm in the midst of a 28-day yoga challenge. In Mandy Ingber's book, Yogalosophy, she provides three meal plans to choose from, and of course I went with the most challenging one, the "green" food plan. Surprisingly, I am enjoying most of the recipes, like that tasty veggie stir-fry over brown rice pictured above, and I can't get enough of her vegan stew. However, I find myself not really missing meat, except when Mr. B is unenthusiastic about making his own dinner and the house smells like bacon or steak. I am terribly missing my Greek yogurt, and the thought of ice cream almost brings me to tears. (But I'm fasting all sugar this month as well. It's my usual January fast, to cleanse my system from all of the baked goodies I filled it with since Thanksgiving.) Although, I am happy to announce I don't need any sweetener in my morning bowl of oats. They're perfectly tasty without. (I previously drizzled some honey or agave on them.) *Note: I will be blogging on my Yogalosophy experience, so stay tuned!

Planning...would you believe it, I'm busy planning for Summer Reading 2014! "Fizz, Boom, Read" seems to be all I can think about. I'm not that great at science stuff, nor do I have the patience for it, and I am annoyed when experiments don't turn out because I feel I wasted my, I mean the library's money on supplies. Jessica, I will be picking your brain quite often over the next few months; my deadline is April.

Reading...This month my book club is reading the YA novel, Code Name Verity, and based on another blogger's review, I picked up Calling Me Home, by Julie Kibler.

Inspired by...I am getting ready to start an online Bible study, Intentionally Focused, with a group of girls. I'm very excited about digging into my Bible and finding some peace and focus in the wee hours of the morning. Also, all the "extras" that come with the Yogalosophy challenge are quite inspirational, like journaling, making gratitude lists, and breathing.

Excited about...a three-day weekend! Book club next Friday! Getting back to my weekly yoga classes next month! And did you read what I'm doing tonight....

Also, It's National Hot Tea Month!

The only thing better than that is National Coffee Month.

I have been logging multiple cups of hot tea all month long, switching between green and black, depending on my mood. It's a welcome delight since this challenge has me limiting my caffeine intake. And I will not drink decaf coffee unless I am forced, and sorry my friends, that time has not yet come.

So grab a pot, a mug, and some tea. And thoroughly enjoy each sip :)

With Love and God Bless,

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