
Monday, April 21, 2014

Photo an Hour

7 AM

8 AM

9 AM

10 AM

11 AM

12 PM

1 PM

2 PM

3 PM

4 PM

5 PM

6 PM

7 PM

8 PM

9 PM

10 PM

Just to clear up 8 o'clock. We did not get a new Camaro. Some family friends stopped by to show us their new gorgeous car. Although, I'm a Corvette gal myself ;)

And here's the recipe link to the Lemon Berry Angel Food Cake Trifle I made. My mother-in-law absolutely loved it. (Psst...I plan to devote a whole post to my experience with oil pulling, so stay tuned!)

I hope everyone had a very happy and blessed Easter!

With Love and God Bless,

1 comment:

  1. you are hilarious, i loved your series of photos for the oil pulling!
