
Thursday, June 5, 2014

What I'm Reading

The Body Book. Cameron Diaz's knowledge, up-front writing style, and blunt honesty is refreshing, educational, and highly motivating. I've never been a huge fan of Diaz, but her book made me respect her a lot more. It's nice to see celebrities with brains, interest, and knowledge of their body and healthy lifestyle....not just a "look at me, I'm famous with a great body, buy my book so you can be skinny like me" view. FYI, "skinny" does not mean healthy or fit. She actually gets into the science of why our bodies are unique, what they and our minds need to be their best, and so forth. I learned a few things I didn't know or didn't realize I should probably know why my body does that.... I would recommend this book to ANY woman, no matter her age whether she's 16 or 61. An important read, I promise, with vital information all should know.

Another celebrity-authored book I finished recently was Ellen Degeneres' Seriously...I'm Kidding on audio. She is the narrator, and why anybody wouldn't listen to it is beyond me. Oh, Ellen. She's hilarious, and she kept it clean and enjoyable. Although we don't have the same views on certain things, I adore her...the woman, the role model, and the loving and caring person she is. I don't care who you are or your beliefs, everyone should be as kind as Ellen. She hits on some great points layered under her comedic thoughts and rambles. Definitely, definitely listen to this audio for a great laugh. Her chapters on yoga and meditation had me in tears :)

The best thing about The Swan Gondola was the beautiful, eye-catching cover. I really, really wanted to like this book. It was May's book club read, and I really, really wanted to find something I enjoyed just as much as previous book club reads, like Seraphina and The Night Circus. Schaffert's book has been compared to Erin Morgenstern's The Night Circus, which I absolutely adored and the audio is fantastic, and Water For Elephants, which I did not. Honestly, I found this book, what I did read of it, to be a struggle. I wanted to give up around page 98, but since I was reading it for my book club I pressed on. I finally put it down at page 220 (almost halfway). I was bored, didn't feel anything for or care about the characters; most of which were very two-dimensional, but the scenery and the 1989 Omaha Fair descriptions were lovely. But even they became too much, and soon I was bored with the scenes and plot. I really wanted to like this book, but from reading others' views and hearing about what I missed, apparently I didn't really miss much. I would NOT compare this to The Night Circus, other than the fact a fair and circus are similar and there is a romance plot. I have not read anything else by Timothy Schaffert and am not planning on in the future. (BUT I do appreciate the amount of research he did for this book.) After a little discussion, I was happy to hear I wasn't the only one with these thoughts....

Lastly, I picked up My So-Called Life as a Proverbs 31 Wife because I came across it on my Good Reads account. Sara Horn's diary-like book discusses her struggles and successes with becoming more of the wife she feels she needs to be, the famous Proverbs 31 Wife we've heard quite about. This book wasn't quite the devotional I thought it was going to be. She sets out on a year-long journey, but I found it slightly disappointing because she doesn't seem to try very hard at being a Proverbs 31 Wife; I felt the book to be a bit whiny at times and lacked scripture references. With that being said, I still enjoyed her writing style and reading about her [failed] attempts; it just needs to be promoted a little differently, I think. Still this would be a great choice for a book discussion with a women's Bible group. It's more about the heart than the doing, more about paying attention to how you treat your husband and why, and how to focus on him first. This was a decent introduction on the subject.

With Love and God Bless,

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