
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Berry Elvis Protein Smoothie

IT.IS.HOT. I'm sweating just thinking about the humidity. Ugh. Add in the crazy amount of bugs.... I can't even take Mr. Darcy outside without making sure every inch of my body is covered. I have the kind of blood mosquitoes love. Yep, I'm that sweet. I appreciate your recognition of my irresistible self, but when the biting is causing bruising...KNOCK.IT.OFF.

I am not cool, calm, and collected. I'm hot, irritable, and a sweaty mess.

After a 6 am bout outside with Mr. Darcy, shooing away the bugs from me and him (poor thing), I'm in need of something quick and cooling to start my day. Lately, I've been downing this yummy, rockin' concoction. It's full of protein, fiber, natural sugar, and taste. Just the right amount of sweetness and creaminess to kick off any summer morning. I like to mix mine up, throw it in the freezer while I finish getting ready for work, and then grab it as I head out the door. (Along with my iced morning coffee, of course.)

Is it too early to say I can't wait for fall?

Berry Elvis Protein Smoothie

Serves 1 (or 2 as a snack)

1 c unsweetened almond milk
1/2-1 c water
1/2 c sliced strawberries (frozen works well here)
1/2 frozen banana
1 heaping T raw peanut butter (or your favorite nut butter)
1 heaping T cottage cheese
1 T chia seeds
1 scoop soy vanilla protein powder
handful of ice, if needed (depends on desired consistency)
Pinch of xanthan gum (optional ---> used to thicken smoothie)

Place all ingredients in a blender; puree until desired consistency. Pour into chilled glass(es) and enjoy!

Nutritional information for one smoothie: 410 Calories, 17 Fat, 15 Sugar, 35 Protein, 11 Fiber

With Love and God Bless,

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