
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sunday Sweets

My brother. Gosh, I miss him.

He was here last week, and of course I had a program every day and couldn't take any time off to visit (except for a few morning hours on my birthday). But thankfully we spent some quality time together a couple of weekends ago when he was here as Mama and Daddy's huge surprise. Our parents renewed their wedding vows a few weeks ago and, sadly, they didn't think my brother was able to fly in for the weekend ceremony. Parents. Little do they know.

I haven't seen Cody since last summer. The pains of adulthood, living in different states, hectic schedules, and money reserved for bills, loans, and mortgages. Being an adult is overrated. I feel as if all those childhood years together were taken for granted.

Yet, I'm beyond proud of the responsible and awesome man he has become. And I just needed to share.

Happy (blog belated) Birthday, Cody!

I cannot wait until Christmas!!!

This makes me laugh. Can't stop.... This would be us.

Happy Sunday! I pray you all are enjoying this day with family (and siblings if you have 'em!).

It's an [Irish] twin thing.

With Love and God Bless,


  1. Beautiful post! We tried to tell you guys those were precious years. Love you both so much. Mama

    1. You're so right, Mama. Why is it kids never listen? ;)
