
Monday, August 11, 2014

Re-Visited: Cooking Club #2

[Original post date Nov. 2011. --Updated 8/11/14: original, but separated, content, with updated photos and/or more details, if available.]

---> Cooking Club is coming up soon, and now that I'm blogging, I want to share these moments but I thought I should play catch-up first. So without further ado, here (and in more posts to come) is what we've been up to. Enjoy!

#2 August: Cobblers

The Menu:
Blueberry Peach Cobbler
Chocolate Pecan Cobbler
Ice Cream Cobbler Cake

This month's theme, "Cobblers," was inspired by the upcoming season. With fall approaching, changing leaves and chills in the air accompany my FAVORITE time of year. Warm cobbler is the perfect dish on crisp, fall days. Plus, I LOVE cobblers.

Peach Cobbler = All-Time Favorite!

Jenny and Jessica preparing their cobblers.

By the way, my husband and I spent our vacation in Georgia this summer (well, actually it was still spring), and we went to The Lady and Sons. Paula's Peach Cobbler is the best dessert I've had. Ever. Like THE absolute best. Even though Mr. B didn't want his dessert, I insisted he pick out the peach cobbler, and then I promptly devoured it, again. I didn't care that it was a hot-Georgia-nearing-a-100-degrees day. I wasn't missing out on Mrs. Deen's cobbler!

For this love of all things peaches, this month, I brought Blueberry Peach Cobbler to the menu. (Again,; I need to crack open my cooking books from home.)

Peaches are my favorite fruit Put them in a cobbler, and I'm first in line. (Huh.Who am I kidding? I'm usually first in line for desserts. I have a little bit of a sweet tooth.) And see those biscuits on top, with that beautiful sugar dusting? Holy goodness. Click on the above link, make the recipe, and thank me later. [Actually, thank Emeril, it's his recipe. I'm just reviewing and sharing.]

A few things. ---> The second time I made this I used a combination of all-purpose and whole wheat pastry flour, which made for a little denser biscuit. Also, I used a little less sugar in the cobbler, substituted the shortening and the butter in the fruit mixture with coconut oil. It gave it a slightly coco-nutty flavor, but I didn't mind. I replaced the milk with almond milk, and the heavy cream with evaporated milk. Instead of whipped cream or ice cream, I poured on a bit of almond milk atop my warm cobbler. Delicious and a little lighter.

On a side note: I really enjoyed Jenny's Ice Cream Cobbler. I love cherries, also. The chocolate one (courtesy of Paula Deen) was okay, but I'm a fruit-in-my-cobbler kind of gal.

My cobbler, Ice Cream Cobbler Cake, and Chocolate Pecan Cobbler.

*I hope you enjoyed these Cooking Club snippets. There are many more to come as I try to play catch-up before this month's meeting. I hope these themes, and even Cooking Club itself, inspire you to gather with your friends and family in the kitchen, and make sweet moments (and delicious food) of your own.

**I've only included the recipes to the dishes I made, or the links to the recipes I know the location. Only because I'm unsure of where everyone got theirs...and hey, we gotta give credit where credit is due. If you have any questions about the other dishes, I'll ask the other members where they got their recipes and pass it along!

Check out our previous meeting!
Cooking Club #1

[Update: I've included the ice cream cobbler's recipe link. It's funny, looking back I used to be a huge sweets person. Proof that your tastes can change with self-discipline, fasting, and surrounding yourself with healthier choices. However, I do remember this being to-die-for delicious. I recently bought a bushel of peaches and made this cobbler again. I noted my changes to the original recipe above and added a few pictures.]

With Love and God Bless,

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