
Thursday, October 9, 2014

What I'm Reading

Finally, I have put aside the yoga research and the cookbook oogling in order to bring you a good reads review post sans postures and recipes. However, on that note, Daphne Oz's recent book Relish was a decent read. It's definitely NOT a cookbook, but includes a few recipes throughout which is not quite what I expected. The book includes fashion style tips, health and beauty solutions, ideas for throwing a great party, and suggestions on arranging your living space. It's kind of a hodgepodge. I did feel it was targeted to a wealthier population...not quite my cup of tea. I'm definitely more of a down-home-back-woods-simple-is-better kind of girl. But some tips I'll hold onto, especially some DIY beauty remedies.

This past month's book club read was Etiquette & Espionage by Gail Carriger. This was my first experience with the Steampunk genre. I discovered I'm not very fond of it. While, I found it sort of interesting, I was put-off by the somewhat silliness of the plot of Etiquette and Espionage. I thought this book, if not for the Steampunk genre which could prove to be quite confusing to tweens, would be better suited for a juvenile audience rather than YA. Often, I was confused about all the "mechanics" going on and the terms.... I'm sure this is because I'm unfamiliar with this genre. I found myself not wanting to put it down for fear I'd never pick it up again. It's any easy read, and a weekend will have it finished. However, I did a lot of skimming the last half of the book. I was still interested enough to want to know how it ended. But I know I won't pick up the other books in the series. Not sure if I'll give the Steampunk genre another go; if so, possibly with an adult title.

I've been flying through audio books over here as of late. Some good, some bad, some awful, some worth mentioning. One of John Green's earlier books I've been meaning to read for quite sometime was An Abundance of Katherines. I pulled it off the shelf a few weeks ago when I was leaving work and needed an audio book right.this.minute. because there was no way I was turning on the radio. Ugh...I loathe public radio at five o'clock. The audio I requested hadn't come in yet, so I quickly grabbed a title I knew was on my TBR list and rushed out the door. It wasn't bad, per say. It was definitely boring. This Green book is about a child prodigy, Colin Singleton, who has been dumped by every Katherine he knows. His most recent break-up leaves him numb, and high-school graduation finds him with nothing left to do but analyze his short brilliant, but dramatic life. I was thoroughly annoyed with everything Colin before I was even half way through this audio book. (I'm thinking the audio, when the main character is a whiny, woe-is-me teenager, is not the way to go.) The only thing I enjoyed was the audio book was tracked by the minute, which led to easy skipping and still an understanding of what was going on. My least favorite John Green book to date.

And another one. Although Max Lucado's God Will Carry You Through is a short (only three hours) listen, it packs a heavy load. This Lucado book breaks down the story of Joseph, the biggest Biblical story in which you can easily see God carrying someone through his troubles, a few verses at a time and modernizes it while incorporating other people's testimonies. Yes, I cried. Yes, I became emotional. And quite often, too. It was one where I found myself nodding my head, and wishing I could stop the car and jot down that scripture and passage for future reference/reflection. So much so, when I finished the audio I placed the actual book on hold to peruse later. (Maybe not the best book to listen to on my way to work, where co-workers began to question my red and puffy eyes...but just an opening to tell them about Jesus, I guess!) This beautiful story is a great gift for someone going through a rough season, or stuck in God's waiting room.

Last but not least, here's an audio bonus that I have been meaning to share with you. Roald Dahl's Matilda, read by Kate Winslet is fan-freaking-tastic, I tell you! The listening experience was right up there with classics like The BFG and The Phantom Tollbooth. A spectacular audio book! (My only complaint, with the various voices, some were so low I had to crank up the volume and then hurry and turn it down when the booming, loud voices came on.) I wish Winslet would do more children's/Ya audio books. It's definitely a perfect title for a day trip with the kids. Or sans kids. A perfect throwback to when you were a kid, maybe? I read the book years ago as a little girl, and my cousins and I wore out the VCR with this movie.

Have you come across any good reads lately?

With Love and God Bless,

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