
Saturday, November 8, 2014

Pumpkin Butter & Spice Oatmeal

The early mornings are chilly. And very dark. It's a must to have a warm mug of coffee or tea in my hands before Mr. Darcy and I head outside. Multiple times. This morning I donned gloves, a hat and scarf as well. You know what this means, don't you?

Time to break out the oatmeal!

My favorite breakfast during these cold days. My favorite breakfast in which I will be feasting on until well into April. A perfect fall breakfast choice. Fall. Beautiful fall days.

Fall is for oatmeal. And pumpkin. Which is exactly what I've been eating these last few days, which I'm positive will turn into weeks because I went a little crazy at the store and decided, YES, yes, I did need that entire shelf of canned pumpkin. When Mr. B opens the pantry in search of his cereal I'll have to let him know it's behind the pumpkin. When Mr. B looks for his soup, he'll have to move the pumpkin. When Mr. B wants Saltines crumbled in his chili, "Yes! It's behind the pumpkin." When my sugar bowl is empty and the in-laws need some for their coffee, well you know....

And alongside the 15 cans of pumpkin is a jar of Pumpkin Butter. My wonderful-I-don't-know-what-I-would-do-without-her-because-she-shops-for-me-at-Trader-Joe's-friend found this seasonal item and knew I'd want to try it. (And it would just bring my whole pumpkin shelf together, you know? It did.) I decided to try this instead of apple butter on my bowl of oats. Two things: 1) it was a good call; and 2) oh my stars, is that sweet!

Please caution yourself to a little bit at a time because ouch (!) my teeth. Not exactly a sugar-in-the-morning kind of gal, unless I'm enjoying my once in a blue moon treat, the Double Tall Caramel Macchiato. Or my seasonal Caramel Apple Spice. Hmmm....I need to get me one of those. YUM.

Pumpkin Butter & Spice Oatmeal

Serves 1

1/3 c steel cut oats cooked in water with a splash of unsweetened almond milk and a pinch of salt
unsweetened almond milk
pecans, walnuts, or almonds
1 T chia seeds
1/2 t pumpkin pie spice
1 tsp coconut oil
1 heaping tsp Trader Joe's Pumpkin Butter

Once your oats are cooked, place them in a bowl and top with remaining ingredients. Easy-peasy.

Nutritional Information:
308 calories, 14 fat, 38 carbs, 10 fiber, 3 sugar, 11 protein

*Knowing I'll be eating this all week, I'll make a big batch of oats and store individually in small glass containers in the fridge. This way I can grab a container, pop it in the microwave, add my toppings, and GO!

With Love and God Bless,

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