
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Yes, I'm a Children's Librarian

Top o' the morning to ya.

I'm not quite sure why I greeted you in that manner. All I can say is the coffee is working.

Sooooo, here's what I did yesterday (Wednesday) in LIBRARY WORLD.

8:30-10:00 a.m. I had to get super organized right away. I'm in the midst of planning a huge Wizard of Oz interactive movie program (see glimpses of my Polar Express one here) and in great danger of losing my desk under all of the tissue paper, green poster boards, tin cans, and wigs. If I didn't act fast, I'd be one container of scissors and glue sticks short of a MESS. And that is not me. I am always organized. If not, I go crazy. If not, I will make you crazy.

Oh, and disclaimer. MAMA, yes I am doing this program. We don't have to talk about it. Feel free to continue reading. There are no visuals of the witch or of the flying monkeys.

Anyhoo, a crate quickly helped me dump my program materials into one bin which I can carry from desk to desk as needed. Phew.

10:00-12:15 p.m. While one of my co-workers was enjoying herself at the Ohio Library Northeast Conference, learning all kinds of new things she will rush back and share with the rest of us, I was called upon to cover her Time for Tots program. It's similar to my Toddler Tales, except where my age range is 19-35 months, hers is 2-3 1/2 years. Being I already had my week's toddler program planned, it was easy to adjust the layout and grab my stuff as I headed about 10 minutes down the road to her branch.

Her program starts at 11 a.m., and by 10:30 I had everything ready to go. She was kind enough to set up the room and I just added my stuff to the table. I did a mixture of her story time and a mixture of mine. The theme was dinosaurs, and I was happy to share a little longer book with a crowd that holds a tad longer attention span. I threw in some rhymes, finger plays, music time, and a puppet. Voila! Happy campers. They were even more thrilled when I brought out the parachute!!!! It was wonderful to see the pure joy of the faces of those kids because for some it was their first experience. My toddlers are spoiled and know I bring out the parachute every week. My co-worker does not. (Since I entertain a slightly younger crowd every Thursday, I like to keep them moving.)

Her [newer] branch has a tree in the children's department. It's awesome. It's okay; be jealous. I'm jealous.

I want that in my house.

12:15-12:45 p.m. I took my lunch break. However, on my way back to my branch I ran into Starbucks to pick up a treat for my supervisor and co-office-habitor, Amanda. It's a long story. Well, actually it's not. You know how Starbucks is featuring special Monday deals throughout March for their cardholder members? This past Monday was buy a beverage get a free pastry. Since I intended (I choose this word because I faltered a few times) on fasting sugar for Lent, I was giving my free treat to her. Problem #1: Amanda was off on Monday, so it sat in the fridge until her arrival on Tuesday. Problem #2: Due to a few other sweet treats on our back table courtesy of a wonderful patron, Amanda chose not to eat her cherry oat bar. She'd eat it on Wednesday when she got to work. Problem #3: She left work at 5 p.m. on Tuesday; I was there until 8 p.m. and I did not bring enough food to keep me satisfied. Problem #4: When I opened the fridge later on yesterday evening, I noticed her treat seemed smooshed in its bag. I am a great co-worker. I am an even better friend. I did not want her to eat anything less than perfect. I had also never had a cherry oat bar.

It was delicious.

After eating it, I texted her so. She cried. She laughed. Her emojis confirmed this. (Side note, I don't like the word emoji. It sounds like a disease. I was told recently my own name sounds like a disease. Interesting. Some people should really have filters.)

Anyhoo. I felt guilty.

That's why Wednesday found me back at Starbucks ordering two cherry oat bars.

12:45-5:00 p.m. The rest of the day had me busy with a number of things. I'd start one task and before I knew it I had three different things going on. It was a slow day at the library, and I took advantage of the quiet and planned my next few preschool story times, worked on craft ideas for next month's Crafty Kids (I'm keeping it spring themed), and figured out the purchases I need to make for my Wizard of Oz program. Oh, and skimmed a few new books, withdrew a few outdated non-fiction titles, and enjoyed a 20-minute break reading more of Mindy Kaling's memoir. It's this month's book club read.


With Love and God Bless,

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