
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

My Beautiful Month

In case you aren't on Instagram, or don't follow me, here's a peek at my Insta-Life lately.
[*All photos are taken from my Instagram account.]

Received my first Creative Scripture Card in the mail this month. I love the idea of swapping scripture with women all over the country. Such a fantastic idea! It's a great way to bring the word of God to others and to meet Jesus-loving ladies :) #cscswap

Making Mr. Darcy his birthday puppy ice cream. (aka ---> frozen bananas with peanut butter and plain Greek yogurt)

We have chickens!! SIX of them. And, yes, I named them all. However, I'm sure Mr. B will never remember. I'll share details in another post. Eeekkkk!

With Love and God Bless,

1 comment:

  1. The skillet breakfast pizza looks so very delish!
