
Saturday, May 23, 2015

Mr. Darcy's "Gotcha" Day

It's been exactly one year since this little guy bounded into our lives and stole his mama's heart.

He's grown quite a bit.

He still doesn't like to be held.

We had our fights and our makeups.

He's outgrown most of his clothes.... well as his bed.

He knows where he likes his naps.

He's developed quite the personality. And that has gotten him into trouble more often than not.

He NOW loves riding in the car.

He thinks he owns the park.

He really wants to befriend the cat. Right now he settles for herding her around the living room.

He's a pro with the fan. Apparently, we bought it for him.

He's developed a yoga practice (or lack there of).

His little sploots kill me. Too much cuteness.

He's a Mama's Boy.

Happy "Gotcha" Day, Pumpkin! You are my favorite MISTER.

With Love and God Bless,

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