
Thursday, October 1, 2015

It's October and I'm Back!

Well, HELLO!

(Every time I say this, I do it with Mrs. Doubtfire's voice. I watched that movie waayyy too many times as a child.)

Gosh, I hope y'all had a great summer. A relaxing summer. There for awhile mine was quite wet, actually. We definitely had an odd summer here in Ohio. Even the Summer Reading program at my library was a bit off... Yet, I was still giddy with the idea that it's over and I have time on my hands at work. A little bit of breathing room, filled with hours of weeding and maintaining the collection....and then September hit. Programs started back up and wait, where did summer go? And the calendar is telling me it's October?!?!

A few short words on what I was up to these past few months....

I was in over my head with super hero training and boot camp library programs, surrounded by hundreds of mosquitoes (I couldn't even enjoy my backyard), full on ice cream and fair fries, caffeinated on never-ending glasses of iced coffee, and forever tired because I kept stumbling across crazy-good books and new-to-me series that.I.couldn' <--- I'll talk about these good reads soon! Sadly, we lost a chicken along the way, but the other five are doing just grand.

Mr. B and I were busy with painting and a few home improvement tasks. But in the meantime we had many movie date nights, a couple camping excursions, county fair stops, and spent a long weekend in Frankenmuth. Y'all know how much I love this place! Gahhh, can't get enough. Christmas everywhere. All the time.

Although, I have to admit, it was odd celebrating my love for all things Christmas in 80-degree weather.

Oh, and birthdays were celebrated.

It's good to be back. :)

Next post is coming soon; until then, enjoy cuteness on little legs!

With Love and God Bless,

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