
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fall is My Favorite

There is something so breathtaking when you recognize the first day of fall. One moment you are going about your day, and the next it comes to a halt when you realize the leaves are changing. It's a sweet moment. A moment I take the time to note and soak in each year.

This year, that moment arrived much earlier than I expected. My mama and I had spent a few days in Myrtle Beach, visiting my brother, and enjoying the last lazy days of summer before I returned to work and my last semester of grad school. On the way back to Ohio, we were driving through the mountains of West Virginia when I spotted the changing leaves. I pointed them out and we couldn't believe it. It was still AUGUST!

But all I needed was that moment, and then the gears started shifting. Yes! FALL is my FAVORITE! I started mentally preparing myself for the beautiful fall colors, switching out my wardrobe (I want these boots! <---FYI, I own them and love them), hot apple cider, pumpkins, fall foods like cobblers and chilies, football, fun craft shows, apple-picking, and 50-degree weather. I.could.not.wait.

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Great craft ideas at
Fieri's Cin-Ful Peach Cobbler. Made this and it's my new favorite!

Ahhh, Fall. It's the time for a chill in the air, curling up on the couch with the perfect blanket, a cup of hot tea, and a good book. Too bad I haven't had time to do that this season. It's the end of October already!! November is literally err, figuratively knocking on my door. When I finally saw the date on the calendar this morning, I couldn't believe it. I've been so busy working, writing papers, finishing projects, and designing programs that I actually had no idea what day it was.

The Lord spoke to my heart this morning, forcing me to realize that I have to slow down and enjoy life, too. He led me to this scripture, Colossians 1:16-17, "For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible...all things were created by him, and for him. And he is before all things, and by him all things consist." God made each unique season. The leaves changing shows us the beauty of God, and we need to take time to enjoy this season.

After hearing God, I listened. I needed some "me" time to enjoy my fall. So I grabbed a mug of hot cider, my (current) favorite blanket, curled up by the window where I could see the colorful leaves, and, sadly, enjoyed Breaking Dawn  ---> to refresh my memory...isn't the movie coming out in a few weeks?!

I thoroughly enjoyed my "me" time. In fact, I only stopped to share this moment with you. Now that I'm here, this couch is quite comfy. (Hmmm, I do need more cider....) Before I brew another batch, here's hoping you find time to enjoy your own sweet favorite fall moment before you look up and winter is smiling in your face.

Fall decor for my living room.
With Love and God Bless,

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