
Friday, October 28, 2011

Number One

I've been reading blogs, mainly mouth-watering food blogs, for months now. Each time I read my favorites, I get inspired. Inspired to try new foods, cooking methods, workouts, books, and designs. But most of all, I am inspired to write. To share my own experiences and moments with others.

I spent most of my undergrad majoring in journalism with a concentration in magazines. The field became too stressful and demanding, and I no longer enjoyed it. At times I found myself crying in frustration as I tried to fit interviews with stylists, board members, and athletes into my already bursting-at-the-seems schedule. Once my stress level hit an all-time high, including a crazy hive outbreak, I was done. Over it. No more journalism. No more magazine layouts, notepads, copy editing debates, all-nighters to reach an early A.M. deadline, AP Handbooks, and direct quotes.

But I LOVED writing, and not willing to give that up, I finished my last two semesters as an English major. I'd already spent most of my time in English elective courses anyway; the switch was easy as breathing. I marveled in sitting at home in my sweats with a caramel macchiato in one hand and literature in the other. I revisited classics, dived into research, spent my nights with Chaucer, and my days studying the history of the English language...which is quite captivating I might add.

After graduation, I dreamed of a job in publishing, editing manuscript after manuscript. Unfortunately, the demand for new employees, as in any profession right now, was scarce. After a jobless eight months, I found work as a Writing Assistant at a college. Within the next 10 months I began my new job, entered grad school to earn my Master's in Library and Information Science with a concentration in Children's Librarianship, and married a godly and wonderful man.

Fast forward two years, and here I am, still a new wife, about to graduate with my Master's, and still working as a Writing Assistant. Writing and books are a love of mine and still fill my daily life. Although I work with others' writings daily, I'm missing something. Writing. I miss my own writing. Being able to share my sweet moments with others through the written word on paper....or a computer screen.

Maybe I should start my own blog....

Once I got the idea in my head, I ran with it. Topics filled my thoughts as I laid in bed at night trying to force myself asleep. But I didn't want to just write. I wanted to write with a purpose. I wanted to talk about things that matter most to me, like my faith, family, food, fitness, football....(hmmm, I'm sure there's another "f" I'm forgetting, like fondness for books). So I planned, plotted, and organized (because I'm such a nerd), and here I am! Writing my first blog post.

THE best salmon salad ever.
Browns game...couldn't feel my toes!
I don't want to bore you; I want to share precious moments with you, hoping to inspire sweet moments of your own. I hope you enjoy Sweet B's Impressions, and maybe learn a thing or two along the way. Oh, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments at

I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you shall go: I will guide you with my eye.
-Psalm 32:8      

With Love and God Bless,

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