
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Festivities

I pray everyone had a blessed Christmas holiday. I had the most wonderful time visiting with family and friends, and was so thrilled to see my brother (!)...he flew in from South Carolina and spent a week with us. Sadly, the only thing missing was the snow.

Our Christmas festivities started with our church's Christmas Eve service, where there was a string quartet playing Christmas carols, face-painting for the kids, and dozens of Christmas cookies that members of the congregation volunteered to bake. Of course, I volunteered because I just didn't have enough cookies on my plate already.

I sent the church five dozen Cream Cheese Sugar Cookies with Vanilla Frosting. These cookies have been in my family for years because they're my Grandma Barb's cut-outs. These cookies are the softest sugar cookie in the world, and the key is the cream cheese in the dough. Grandma Barb makes these cut-outs for every family holiday/gathering, but I only make them for Christmas.

I hope the kiddies enjoyed them.

Mr. B's family had Christmas this year, and after the church service we went over to his Grandma's house to visit. Then we came home and opened our gifts at midnight. The midnight tradition has been in my family for years. Ever since my brother and I were in 7th and 8th grade, our parents allowed us to open our gifts at midnight. We'd be at our grandparents for Christmas Eve and wouldn't get home until almost midnight. Since we were up, why not open our gifts?

It started with our stockings, then stockings + one gift, and eventually all of the gifts. This was brilliant because we could sleep in as late as we wanted Christmas morning....and then partake in our mimosas, of course. My husband and I have adopted this tradition, and plan to do so until we have children of our own who are eager for Santa and Christmas morning.

I have to share: My wonderful and loving husband bought me this for Christmas!

Pioneer Woman Cooks! You can imagine I was super.excited. Now, I can't wait until her new one comes out.....

Here's a few snapshots of my Christmas festivities!

Started Christmas morning off right with Single-Serve Monkey Bread. This is definitely a new tradition. Good thing Mr. B woke up when he did; I almost ate the entire pan....grant it I did halve the recipe.
My parents' beautiful tree.

Craft I made for my brother. Since he can't take home a lot of gifts on the plane, I made him a coupon book so I can send him gifts and the things he needs throughout the year.
The homemade apple butter I gave as gifts this year.

Craft I made for the girls in Cooking Club.

My Lemon Bread made the cookie plates a little more interesting.
Strawberry Cookies with Cream Cheese Frosting. Check out this recipe here.

The "Skinny" Peanut Butter Cookie light and fluffy.

I almost accomplished everything on my baking list this year. I never had time to get around to the scones because Jess and I were tuckered. And every time I bought the clementines in an attempt to dip them in chocolate, I was eating them faster than my brain could think, Ooh, I wanted to dip these in chocolate!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!!!!!!!

I'll leave you with this season 's Christmas song obsession: Michael Buble <3

With Love and God Bless,

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