
Monday, December 19, 2011

Cooking Club #17 {Updated}

[Original post date Nov. 2011. --Updated 9/17/14: original, but separate, content, with updated photos and/or more details, if available.

I thought, with Thanksgiving next Thursday, now would be the perfect time for this post's update. Enjoy.]

It's that time again, [and I'm finally caught up with the posts!] and this month's theme left the menu wide open. However, with it being the holidays and all, everyone seemed rather busy, resulting in a smaller group this meeting.

December: Holiday Leftovers

The Menu:
          Main Course
Day-After Breakfast Hash
Chantilly Potatoes
Double Chocolate Candy Cane Cookies

While eating Thanksgiving dinner, my mind was brilliantly coming up with possible recipe ideas using the classic holiday dishes. You have potatoes, cranberries, turkey, ham, stuffing, green bean casserole, pumpkin and apple pie......and the list goes on. However, my brain stuck with the apple pie. I kept thinking about all of the apple pieces that always escaped the crust and laid in a pool of sweet liquid on the bottom of the dish. Then my brain went to breakfast, because we all know that is the best meal of the day, right? No. Well, it's my favorite meal of the day. Just think of all the possibilities!

Anyhoo, leftover apple pie filling and breakfast.....

I thought a mini apple roll would be just perfect for when I wake up at 2 pm the day after because I was out gallivanting around, snatching up all the Black Friday deals I could, and falling into bed around 7 am while fighting Mr. B for the covers because he's grumpy because I kept him out until 7 am gallivanting around, snatching up all the Black Friday deals I could. Yeah, an apple roll would be perfect.

And then I found this: Day After Thanksgiving Breakfast Hash. And my world changed. Apple what? (However, I think I will attempt that at a later date, for it sounds fabulous I know.)

The idea of potato pancakes, stuffing and eggs in one big skillet sounded ah-mazingly delicious, and I knew this was THE "Holiday Leftovers" dish for me. Just check out that goodness......

Since this dish needed to be made right before we sat down to eat, Jessica decided to start the dough for her cookies, which were pleasantly surprising by the way. I was a bit nervous when I found out she was using candy canes as her "Holiday Leftovers." See, I'm not a fan of mint, and as my eyes grew bigger with each mint ingredient she continued to add to the chocolate cookie dough, I kept telling myself, "You only have to take one bite; it'll be OK. Chill, grin and swallow." So when I braced myself at the end of our meal, I was baffled. There was just the tiniest hint of mint, and it was refreshing and good, and I ate like three.

And then I took some home to add to my holiday cookie platters.

But while her dough was chilling, we decided to have tea time and exchange gifts. This was Jessica's tree. She loves adores pink, and has officially declared pink a Christmas color.

Even though I disagree with pink being the new Christmas "color" (I still prefer the classic red and green, myself), her tree was pretty. And to go along with our tea-and-gift time, she assigned us our own mugs....mine was the book one, because I'm now a librarian, sans the librarian job. <---oh, how time changes! ;)

After our exchange, we got back to the task at hand, where Jenny also shared a dish centered on leftover potatoes (two potato dishes.....heaven), which included cream, cheese and ham. Ugh, so good. Mr. B even gobbled up these leftovers.

Alas, this Cooking Club menu was the best ever, and I could not choose a favorite.

However, I think my breakfast hash will be a new "day after" tradition. Head on over to How Sweet It Is for the Day After Thanksgiving Breakfast Hash recipe.

*I hope you enjoyed these Cooking Club snippets. I hope these themes, and even Cooking Club itself, inspire you to gather with your friends and family in the kitchen, and make sweet moments (and delicious food) of your own.

**I've only included the recipes to the dishes I made. Only because I'm unsure of where everyone got theirs...and hey, we gotta give credit where credit is due. If you have any questions about the other dishes, I'll ask the other members where they got their recipes and pass it along!

Until next time.... [Unfortunately, this was our last Cooking Club...]

Check out our previous meetings!
Cooking Club #1-4
Cooking Club #5-8
Cooking Club #9-12
Cooking Club #13-15
Cooking Club #16

With Love and God Bless,

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