
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sunday Sweets

Every other Sunday I post a blog sharing my favorite finds from around the Internet and my current obsessions.


First....I have to share this picture of Siamese. I took it this morning when I got up around 8 am.

She does not look happy. Apparently Mr. B has been up since 5:30 am, which has cut into her beauty sleep.

Oh, and I woke up to this!

It's Bea-utiful! Last year at this time we were knee deep in the middle of our first blizzard, but this is all the snow I've seen so far this season. I want more! If it isn't a white Christmas, then it's a Christmas failure. You can bet I'll be wearing my PJs backwards, flushing ice down the toilet, sending up an extra snow prayer, and sleeping with a spoon under my pillow....? (I don't know; that's what I was told...crazy, but I'm on it if it'll bring snow!)

OK, now on to the Sweets....

What I Had For Breakfast Today: My homemade apple butter on toast with coffee. I finally got around to making my apple butter to give to friends and family this season. And, of course, I kept some tasty goodness for myself.

Best Entertaining Idea: Because of my love for all things Starbucks, I LOVE this invitation idea. I don't know why I didn't think of it. This would be great for my book club meetings!

Daily Smile: Trust me, if I could open up a bakery and coffee shop...I would in a heartbeat.

Love For My Future Home: Love the idea of having a place to sit down when putting on shoes. But not a fan of all white, which is just inviting dirt that I'd have to spend my precious blogging time cleaning.

Favorite Mouth-Watering Dish: I'm obsessed with grilled cheese, and one of my favorites is apple slices and Munster. But this looks delish...Bacon, Pear and Raspberry.

Favorite Fashion Find: If I could afford a collection of winter coats, I'd be in heaven. It would be like coffee mugs, wear the one that best fits your mood. (And I adore this color.)

Favorite Craft Idea: Cute way to hang Christmas cards. Will be doing this next year!

Favorite Place: Did I mention I love winter? (This looks like a snapshot from a horse and carriage on the way to Grandma's house...if Grandma's house looked like this.)

Don't You Just Hate That Fact: #373 When a teacher erases the entire blackboard but misses one prominent chalk mark. (Do kids these days even know what chalk is?)

Currently Reading: One of my favorite books; I read it every Christmas.

Favorite New Fitness Routine: Everyone has four minutes.

Favorite Photography Find: Love all of the colors!

Favorite Must-Make-Soon Dessert: This looks too gorgeous to eat. I couldn't find a recipe in my non-existent search attempt, so I will be re-creating this as soon as blackberries are in season!

Best Helpful Tip: Yes, this works. And it's Awesome. If you place a wooden spoon on top, it won't boil over.

Best Day Brightener: We are always in the presence of God.... There is never a non-sacred moment! His presence never diminishes. Our awareness of His presence may falter, but the reality of His presence never changes.  -- Max Lucado

I hope you enjoyed this Sunday's favorite finds.

Was there something you came across this week and just have to share?

Check out my other Sunday Sweets!
Sunday Sweets #1
Sunday Sweets #2

And to keep up with my December 60 Challenge...what this past week looked like:

Monday: 60 minutes vinyasa yoga
Tuesday: 60 minutes vinyasa yoga
Wednesday: 30 minutes vinyasa yoga
                     30 minutes cardio routine
Thursday: 30 minutes vinyasa yoga
                 30 minutes weight training, arms
Friday: 30 minutes vinyasa yoga
             30 minutes cardio routine
Saturday: 30 minutes vinyasa yoga
                30 minutes weight training, arms
Sunday: 30 minutes vinyasa yoga
              30 minutes cardio routine

With Love and God Bless,

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