
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sunday Sweets

1. Happy Easter!

While we're gathering with family today, we're celebrating Christ. Celebrating that Jesus put death in his grave. The glory of God went into hell and brought Jesus out. And he unleashed grace on earth
Mark 10:34 - "And they will mock him and spit on him, and flog him and kill him. And after three days he will rise.”

Thank you, Jesus, for your incredible work on the cross.

To celebrate this glorious day, here's a video featuring my favorite song. Enjoy!

2. Yesterday we celebrated my Grandpa's 70th birthday. My grandpa loves Golden Corral, so we had a big party for him there. Mr. B and I never go to buffets...unless it's for a party. (We're just not fans of being able to eat an endless amount of food because then you always over eat and feel miserable later.) Anyhoo. Do you know they have cotton candy? That's insane. I felt like I was at a circus. I haven't had cotton candy in forever. Of course, I had to get one. After three bites my teeth felt like they were going to fall out.

2.1 Later that day Mama and Daddy decided to take Mr. B and I to a small ice cream stand on the outskirts of town. I got a small twist cone. It was the size of my head! No joke.

2.2 Good night! I was on a sugar rush like I had never been on before. And then I crashed....hard.

2.3 And then Mama surprised me with two! boxes of Lucky Charms. She got them on sale with her coupons. She's a coupon-holic. Now I'll be swimming in Luckies for a while....if Mr. B doesn't hoard them first.

3. I want to make these candle holders and display them all over my house for my book club friends.

4. Opening Day has come and gone. And my Tribe made MLB history on Thursday...however, we blew it in the 16th. And then we blew it in the 12th yesterday. Mr. B is now ranting about how our season is over and he's going to start rooting for the Reds. (I'm sure Daddy and my brother would be thrilled to have one more on the Cincinnati side.) I don't think Mr. B understands there are 160 games to go....

5. Working as a Reference Assistant at the library has allowed me to answer a plethora of questions that I was unaware the library actually looking for Home Depot's phone number or finding out how much you can sell your Chevy Cavalier for on Craigslist.

5.1 Of course, the first question I answered post-training was about martial law. This had the whole library stumped, and 4 hours of research later we still weren't able to give the patron the information he needed.....there is absolutely nada in print.

6. I stumbled across this on Pinterest, and I HAVE to have it! I don't know where it will fit on our counter, and if I bring one more thing home for the kitchen Mr. B is going to kill me. (Or go on a "tossing" rampage while I'm at work--he keeps threatening--which if he does, and I hope you're reading this, my dear, I'm going to throw the biggest tantrum you have ever seen!)

7. I love this blog, and my mouth is watering just looking at these cupcakes. I need to get my friend Jessica on these ASAP!

8. I was suuuper excited when I finally made it to Robeks this week and saw they are now offering fresh juices. After I went on and on about how excited I was, I vaguely remembered that I knew this already. I even remember them announcing it on Facebook.


9. Ummm....I just found out that Trisha Yearwood is getting her own show on Food Network! It premieres April 14th! Who knew about this and didn't tell me? I thought we were like.this.

10. Because I allowed myself to be side-tracked by other great books (cough, The Hunger Games, cough), I will have to speed read the rest of the A Wrinkle in Time books in hopes of finishing them by Book Club on Friday!!!

10.1 Which reminds me, I need to write a "What I'm Reading" post. I want to hear what great reads you all have picked up lately!

With Love and God Bless,

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