
Friday, May 4, 2012

What I'm Reading

Wow. It's been a while since I've done a "What I'm Reading" post. I seriously need to play catch-up because I've been reading like crazy! So let's get to it, shall we?

On the Jellicoe Road (Melina Marchetta)
Audiobook (Winner of 2009 Michael L. Printz Award for Excellence in Young Adult Literature)

Loved. Loved. Loved! Yep, I loved this book. The girl who read this story was amazing, but anything read in an Australian accent immediately goes to the top of my list. (Anyone know if Keith Urban or Hugh Jackman will be lending their voices to a book any time soon?) It just made it more intriguing and I was enthralled before the first chapter ended.

However, it did get confusing at times because there are two different story lines happening at once. I'm sure in the actual print version a story line change would be noticeable by font type.

I cried. Multiple times. But there were times it just got so intense I couldn't help myself.

The main character, Taylor Markham, is searching for her mother, who abandoned her on the Jellicoe Road, and her father, whom she never knew. At first you get annoyed with her teenage, rude, and don't-give-a-crap attitude. But then you understand why and you really begin to like her. This book is a must read...or hear.

The Hunger Games trilogy (Suzanne Collins)
Mr. B downloaded these for free on the Kindle Fire.

Well, to start, it took me forever to get into book one because I was so enraged distracted by the editing errors. Scholastic was clearly having an issue with subject-verb agreement. Had I not been reading a borrowed copy on Mr. B's Kindle Fire, I would have taken a red pen, corrected all of the errors, and sent it back to the publisher as my resume.

In looking past the grammatical errors, the books were actually quite great, and I enjoyed the concept; I thought it was creative and intriguing. It made me very curious. It also made Mr. B curious. He actually said he wouldn't mind seeing the movie with me. (However, we have yet to see the movie because we can't seem to find more than a few hours off...together.)

Oh, and why are there always love triangles? Is it that hard to say "I don't like you. I want to be with him"? It was like Twilight all over again (but much better by far), which made me slightly irritable.

I'm absolutely positive the movies will not be as violent as the books, which is tragic because they are some excellent scenes.

Anne of Avonlea (L. M. Montgomery)
The second book in the Anne of Green Gables series.

I'm thrilled and excited and I go all girly when I pick up these Anne books. I can't help it. I just love her! She's one of my all-time favorite characters. I can only imagine how I might have reacted if I had read these as a little girl...

Alas, I did not, but I'm reveling in them now. I'm just so involved in her life. I want to see her in college and teaching her students, be with her when she stumbles upon her first love affair, and frolic together in the woods while creating fantastic stories. Ahhh, Anne.

Oh, and I finally finished the A Wrinkle in Time Quartet!

L'Engle's books....let's just say you can read each one as a stand alone. There's no continuation, and you could really read them out of order, which I recommend. Read #4 before #3 if you're looking for some kind of order. Also, it appears that I enjoy every other book, with #3 being my favorite. I really liked the plot of  A Swiftly Tilting Planet, which sort of coincides with #5, An Acceptable Time. And as my friend suggested, during our book club discussion, she was "immediately sold on the third one the minute a UNICORN strolled in."

I felt that I appreciated the books (Book #1, actually) much more when I read it as a child. There was just something off....I think it's because I need a reason, excuse, or somewhat of a conclusion. These books spend the whole time leading up to the event, the event, and then boom! Book over. Every one left me thinking, Wait! What? Why? Book 2 was definitely the weirdest, but I'm not into much sci-fi.

"What I'm Reading" part 2 will be up soon!

Have you read and good books lately? Share your good reads in the comments!

With Love and God Bless,

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