
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sunday Sweets

1. What is with this weather?!! Last week there were snow flurries, and this week the sun and humidity are killing me!

2. A thunderstorm would be A-mazing right now.

3. I love whole wheat pasta. I replace white with it every chance I get. This week I finally tried some whole wheat gnocchi. Once it finished cooking it smelled like dog food. It didn't taste much butter. Probably what dog food tastes like. I had to smother it in a cheese sauce just to choke it down. I think I'll stick to my normal white-floured gnocchi.

4. So....I made this delicious southern dish for dinner this week. O.M.Gee. Have I mentioned that I love Trisha?

5.  I was a little Pinterest happy this week and found so many great ideas, perfect on a hot day . Like this adult popsicle. Or this peachy beverage. And this fabulous birthday party idea. Why are kids getting all the fun? I like to paint.

6. And now for the big news: I got a job! In my career field!

7. I am now a Youth Librarian at Warren-Trumbell County Public Library and I start in one week! Hello, children's programs, crafts and books. Great to meet you, full-time and benefits.

8. Sadly, this means I will be leaving my current jobs, both the Writing Center and Massillon Public Library. It's bittersweet. I'm going to miss seeing my friends every day. I really, really liked the people I worked with at Stark State. It's funny though because one of my good friends at the Writing Center also found another job this week too. So we all went out to celebrate Italian style. And then we had custard for dessert. And they gave me a going away present. Flowers and a $25 Starbucks gift card.

They know me so well. :)

9. And now Mr. B and I have to decide where we'll live. My new job is an hour we're off to the drawing board.

10. Did anyone else watch the Kentucky Derby? I didn't get to because I was too busy celebrating, but.....I picked the winner! I picked I'll Have Another. Too bad I'm not a betting woman. We'd be rolling in the dough and not worrying about price ranges for houses. More rolling. Less ranges.

11. Oh, and dinner tonight was BBQ chicken, Portobella Fries, and corn of the cob. First corn of the season was surprisingly wonderful. I'd have taken a picture, but I was too busy enjoying my meal. :)

With Love and God Bless,

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