
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Beauty Burgers


It's all about the beans. THE beans. The BEANS.

I'm finally sharing my Black Bean Burger recipe. And it's not because I didn't want to share, I just haven't gotten around to it.

And it's not even my recipe.

I stumbled across it last summer while browsing the various blogs I read on a weekly basis. I found this recipe on Jenna's blog, Eat, Live, Run. This is one of the top three blogs I must visit every day, and her book, White Jacket Required, came out recently and it went straight to the top of my to-read list. I find her blog to be very inspirational, with healthy recipes, travel posts, and great book reviews.

But let me tell you about these burgers. I.cannot.get.enough. I would eat these every day if I could. Which technically I could if I would just make them.

I probably make these every other week. Mr. B frowns upon them (even though he has never tried one), so all six bean patties are mine. Therefore they should last me a week. Nope. I'll be lucky if these beauties last me three days...they're that good.

As soon as I make a batch, I have to eat one. Then I package them up for my work lunches.

I eat one for lunch, sometimes one and a half. And I have every intention of saving the rest for later in the week. But then I get home and I'm starving. They make a great snack. Oh, these are so good.

I think these are why I can't eat ground beef anymore. It doesn't even sound good. Last night I even thought I'd be excited because I made meatloaf; you know, THE Best Meatloaf, and I don't make it's a special treat for me (or it used to be). I took one bite and that wasn't even good anymore. I had to force myself to eat it. I don't know what my deal is. I just know I love these Black Bean Burgers...and turkey burgers.

Just look at the caramelization.

You want that.

These are a must try! Thank me later.

Black Bean Burgers
*slightly adapted from Eat, Live, Run

Makes 6 patties

2 cans black beans, drained and rinsed
1 Tbsp ground flax + 3 Tbsp water (this is your flax egg)
2 tsp minced garlic
2 Tbsp tomato sauce
1/2 cup Panko breadcrumbs
2 tsp cumin
1 1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup corn (fresh or frozen...frozen, thawed)
olive oil (or canola oil)  for frying burgers

In a small bowl, mix together the ground flax and water. Let sit for five minutes.Add garlic and one can of beans to a food processor (or high speed blender) and pulse to combine. Add cumin and salt, pulsing until mixture resembles chunky black bean dip. Transfer the black bean mixture to a large bowl and stir in the bread crumbs, tomato sauce, flax and corn. Stir well until everything is combined. Add remaining black beans. Heat a little olive oil in a skillet on medium high heat. Form black bean mixture into patties and fry for about 4 minutes per side, until golden and crusty brown.

[That's simple!]

I usually just eat these plain and cold....straight out of the fridge. Delicious.

But sometimes, when I'm feeling ambitious, I eat them like this.

Topped with an avocado-Greek yogurt mixture and a tomato. With a side of lime tortilla chips.


With Love and God Bless,


  1. Great, dishes are done and I'm supposed to be doing homework and all I want to do is make these. Thanks!
    I jest. But seriously, why have you not told me about these before?? Myles is going to LOVE them.

    1. Whhhattt?! No way! I had to have told you about these! I'm obsessed. Everyone at work is saying, "Brindi's eating those burgers again," because I always have them. I passed on the recipe to a bunch of my co-workers. Jess, you have to make them...and you should probably make a double batch!
