
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Holiday Baking To-Dos

Is it sad that most of the cookies on my to-bake list include chocolate? I'm really trying to mix it up here, but it seems everything I marked as "possible for holidays" involves chocolate. And I'm not even a huge fan of chocolate....or am I? But I know many who are and I am sympathetic to others' needs like that. However, I did manage to find room on the list for a few of my favorites and non-chocolates.

Now, to find the time to make these!! Less than 30 days and counting. Ai yi yi.

Grandma Barb's Cut-Outs. Like last year, these are a family tradition. Not the healthiest sugar cookie, but it's the holidays and I must.

Skinny Sugar Free Sugar Cookies. I'm also making a small batch of these sugar cookies. Because I want to try a new version and a healthier one, too!

Hot Cocoa Cookies. I'm not a chocolate fan but I enjoyed these cookies so much last year they made this year's list. Indulge.

Browned Butter Cookies with Caramel Frosting. If I leave these off the list Mr. B will kill me....or complain until they're made. (Plus, Jess and I always make these during our annual baking sessions. That's always an adventure, and you can read about last year's here.)

Black Bottom Cups. I actually left these tasty treats off the list last year for the first time in four years. My friend, Kylee, shared this infamous recipe with me and I always make them. But not last year...I wanted something NEW. Yeah, they're on the list this year. And I promise to share the recipe!

Giant Chai Tea Frosted Cookies.These cookies sound amazing. The ingredients don't make a lot (8 large cookies), so either make them smaller or everyone gets one on the plate.

Brown Butter Oatmeal Chunk Cookies. Mr. B also loves oatmeal cookies, right behind Chocolate Chips and Browned Butters. But I'm throwing in a small twist I think he'll like to add change to the classic.

Citrus Butter Cookies. I found these cookies in Pioneer Woman's cookbook (and they're also on her blog) and knew immediately this would be my citrus cookie for the holidays. Most excited to try theses! I love a good pucker :)

Raspberry-Peanut Butter Chocolate Truffles.
Espresso Chocolate Truffles with Almonds. The new Food Network magazine arrived in the mail last week, and after skimming through it I decided I'm making truffles. It's kind of a "pick your own ingredients" thing, and I think these two sound best.

Mexican Chocolate Popcorn Balls. I found this recipe in last year's holiday Food Network magazine, and I'm going to attempt them. It's been forever and a day since I made popcorn balls.

Chocolate Chip Cookies. I'm not sure why I even put these on the list. These are the first cookies I have to make every year in order to keep Mr. B quiet while I make all the ones he refuses to try. I can't even put fun twists on them because he doesn't like peanut butter or nuts or anything in his chocolate chip cookies. (But this year I'm making my friend Jenny's recipe. There's a secret ingredient in them. Shhhhh...)

Deep Dark Chocolate Cookies. Having celiac disease can be hard on my aunt during the holidays, so I'm making her this gluten-free chocolate cookie.

Molasses Spice Cookies. To be honest, these cookies are only on the list because I have half of a jar of molasses I need to use up. Maybe a hidden gem?

Cinnamon Chips Gems. I wanted to make these last year but I could not find the cinnamon chips anywhere! This year I will hunt them down.

Almond Blueberry Cookies. And, yes, these are a must. They're my favorite cookie in the whole world and the only ones I'll eat once they're baked. Always room for these gems.

Skinny Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge. Instead of a bread this year I'm making fudge. And I really, really love this simple recipe I made earlier this year....but I want something with peanut butter and chocolate. And health(ier). So I turned to some of my healthy blogs and found this delectable recipe.

Cookie Dough Cheesecake Bars or Turtle Cheesecake Balls. To take to my work pot luck next month...but can't decide which...thoughts?

Cranberry Crumble Bars. I have a bag of fresh cranberries and I need to do something with them soon or they'll become a part of the center piece on my dining room table. One of my co-workers is retiring at the end of the year and we're having a "Happy Retirement" party for the entire library staff. We're doing a Mad Hatter/Tea Party theme, and I think these bars fit in perfectly.

Pet Treats. And this year I'm not leaving out my family's four-legged friends!

Single-Serve Monkey Bread.
These were a big hit with my hubby and I last Christmas morning, and I believe I started a tradition.

What's on your baking list this season?

*Need some inspiration or want to try something new? Check out my baking list from last year, or Jessica's baking lists ...there are three of them (love her blog!).

Happy Holiday Baking!

With Love and God Bless,

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