
Tuesday, March 19, 2013


I'm missing this green scene.
These "Currently" posts are going around the blog world, and I jump at any chance I can to share who I am, what I'm thinking, my beliefs, and thoughts with my readers. It's kind of the same thing as my "A Photo an Hour" or "Wordless" posts, only with words and my thoughts. Thanks to Jenna (at Eat, Live, Run) for the idea.

I'm currently....

Watching....The Bible! I've been anticipating this series on the History Channel ever since my pastor came back from a conference a few months back telling us all about it. He and his wife were one of the guests ask to preview it and my church has been all a-buzz. It's inspiring, emotional, and invites conversation. AND for those of you who are local, keep an eye out for my church (Faith Family)--we have a commercial! (Our tag line is "Doing Church Different." And feel free to visit us online at to watch live or past sermons!)

Eating....Cold Vegetable Pizza. I threw this together this morning, since I work late tonight, so Mr. B won't starve. But I took some for my lunch today. Yum-O.

Planning....Summer Reading Programs at my library for the kiddos. This year's theme is "Dig into Reading," and we have a lot planned including, yoga, puppet shows, animals, mystery programs, pirates and princesses, composting, gardening, and so much more. I'm already excited and enjoying every down moment I can because once the last week of May hits, I won't be able to breathe until August!

Reading....Caldecotts. Caldecotts galore. Caldecott Winners and Caldecott Honors....There are currently 316 of them and I'm almost halfway. Anyone a fan of picture books will enjoy this list and note the differences in text and illustrations from the very first Caldecott Winner in 1938 (Animals of the Bible) to this year's winner (This Is Not My Hat).

Inspired yoga practice. Every day I am more aware of my body, my breath, my lifestyle, my mind, my heart, my faith. I look forward to my mat time every morning.

Excited about...SPRING! Not only for the warm weather, but for a change of wardrobe. For getting outside for physical activity instead of being cooped up in the house. For a chance to try my hand at gardening. For grilling outside and enjoying meals on my deck. For walks with my hubby down to the park. For saying good-bye to mittens. For asparagus. For GREEN.

With Love and God Bless,

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