
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Juicing Power

After Christmas, when my juicer arrived in the mail I was stoked. Super-excited, I immediately started juicing every fresh produce I could find. At first I was afraid to try random combinations because I didn't want to waste good vegetables and fruit on something that would taste just awful.

But I have a secret.

If you include an apple, it will be tasty.

Three months later and I'm happy to say I'm still juicing three to four days a week. There are days when I get up and cannot wait for my morning glass of fresh juice. Maybe even more than coffee. (Ha, relax. I'm joking.)

I didn't want to make a huge investment into a juicer just in case I decided I didn't like it. This juicer was closer to $100, but I was able to snag it for much cheaper after the holiday season. All of the parts are dishwasher safe, but I hardly use my dishwasher. I've been doing dishes since I was five, so I'm much faster and more proficient. I found a toothbrush works best on the filter, and once I scoop out the pulp, a quick rinse and dry is often enough. The only con I have with this juicer: it doesn't juice leafy greens very well. They get stuck and with barely any juice, it's not worth it. But I'm fully satisfied with the other plethora of vegetables and fruit in my fridge, so I don't mind. I rotate between juicing and making smoothies, and I get plenty of spinach in my smoothies.

My current favorite combo is my A & C juice. I call it this because I pretty much toss in all the "C" ingredients I have in my fridge...cucumber, carrots, celery. For a guaranteed yummy taste I add an apple, and since I always have lemons, half of a peeled lemon.

Knowing it's not good to consume large quantities of fruit juice in its raw form like this, I always try to limit myself to including only one or two fruits into each juice. The majority of my juice comes from the vegetables.

A & C Juice

1 apple
2 celery stalks
2 carrots
1/2 of a large cucumber
1/2 lemon, peeled
2" piece fresh ginger, peeled

Cut (and peel, if desired)vegetables and fruit into chunks to fit juicer feeding tube. Add all ingredients; juice and enjoy the deliciousness immediately. Serves 1.

That's it folks. It's simple. It's tasty. It's super-healthy. And a great way to start your day.


With Love and God Bless,


  1. that juice sounds almost exactly like what I enjoy on a regular basis :) You should try juicing red peppers, they are SOOOOO tasty!

    1. I would but the hubby would kill me if I used all of his peppers :)
