
Monday, April 8, 2013

7 Days 1 Challenge: Fifteen

Oh my goodness, this weather is gorgeous!

My foot is starting to feel better, so the hubby and I took advantage of the sunshine and walked to the park yesterday. It was lovely. It's so nice to see others enjoying the park, especially the dog park. It's feeding my dog fever. I want one. And right now I'm trying to talk Mr. B into getting a Shiba Inu (since clearly my Chihuahua is out of the question).

I mean, come on. How cute is this little guy? I want him. I want to take him to the dog park and have everyone gush over how cute he is. And then I want to come home and snuggle. Because I'm not getting it from Mr. B or Siamese.
Source: Google Images
[Heavy sigh] I digress.

Anyhoo. The challenge.

*In case you're new to these challenges, the challenge starts on Monday and ends Sunday night. The following Monday I'll post a new challenge.

This week's challenge:
Pilates every day.
Source: Google Images
Since my foot seems to be healed (praise the Lord!) I am eager to get back into my workout routine. But I'm up for something different, and Pilates are calling my name. I think it's because the routine is similar to yoga but with more cardio. There are a ton of Pilates videos on the web, so start Googling and get that booty movin'!

Here's a great site to get your Pilates fix.

Who wants to take the weekly challenge? Let me know by sharing your thoughts/struggles and link ups below!

With Love & God Bless,

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