
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Mid-Week Inspirational

It's Thursday!!!!!!!!!

And I have so much to do here at work. I have new books (finally!) to review, Summer Reading programming blurbs to write, picture books to weed through, and a bounty of yoga programs to plan (yay!), but I thought I'd take a few minutes to listen to a little motivation. And then I thought I'd share it with you.

So, here's TobyMac's "Me Without You" (one of my favorites), and I promise it will get you moving!

You rescued me, 
Now you are mine and I am yours.
You rescued me and I am yours forever.
You saved me, remade me 
Where would I be...

I'd be packin' my bags when I need to stay...

With Love and God Bless,

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