
Friday, April 12, 2013

Dessert of the Month

Guess what?!

In less than 48 hours my friend, her mother-in-law, and I will be on our way to the Vera Bradley Outlet Sale in Indiana!!!!!!!!!!! I.cannot.wait. Last year we went up on a Thursday, which required a ticket, but this year we're hitting the Sunday sale, which doesn't require a ticket. And there will probably be some flying elbows. I'm ready.

They're picking me up Saturday and we're spending the night at a hotel so we'll be there bright and early Sunday. However I work on Saturday, so we'll be arriving at the hotel quite late. To fuel us for the drive, I decided to make us some Black Bean Chocolate Chili [Cranberry] Cookies.

Now this is not my recipe, so it's also a review post. (And I really enjoy this blogger's recipes...vegan and I rarely ever have to substitute ingredients.) I've been eager to make these cookies for a while now. I almost made them at Christmas but the batch doesn't make very many. Not the kind of cookie you make for a crowd, nor the kind of cookie you make for people who don't like to try new healthier versions of cookies. But my friend, Jess, is all up for my healthy experiments. I knew this would be the perfect time to make them. Plus, if we do like them there's only nine cookies. (Well, eight now since I had to try one. I wouldn't want to give anyone a bad cookie.)

Yeah. These cookies hit the spot. The rich dark chocolate and the spice from the cayenne mixed with little bites of dried cranberries (the recipe originally calls for cherries) make for one satisfying cookie. It's not too sweet and I know I'm getting a nice dose of fiber from the chia seeds. Annnnnd.....they have my favorite "healthy" ingredient: BLACK BEANS! (Now you're getting your protein.)


I'm sure if you have a food processor these would be super fast to throw together when entertaining small company or when you're in the mood for cookies but don't want a lot. However, my food processor is super, super tiny so I used my blender instead. The mix kept getting stuck, and I'd have to stop and stick a spatula in there to wiggle everything around. After a few attempts, I had to scrape out the dry ingredients and then layer a little bit of dry, then some wet; repeat. But they're still quick to make.

Eventually, the batter will smooth out like the above picture; add the cranberries and chocolate chunks.

Then you scoop nine big cookies onto your prepared baking sheet, and bake 15 minutes at 375 degrees. And these are much better eaten when cooled than when straight from the oven. So, be patient.

Y'all have to try these fabulous, tasty cookies!

For an awesome rich chocolate fix with a kick, head on over to My New Roots for the recipe! And while you're there check out Sarah B's other great vegan recipes, videos, and tips.

But then, of course my thoughts turned to my wonderful hubby (who happened to be heading home from work at the time) and I decided to whip up a batch of chocolate chip cookies. His favorite. I knew he wouldn't eat these chocolate chili cookies because 1) they're chocolate, 2) "who knows what [I] did to them to make them healthy," and 3) the batch only made nine cookies and they're not for him anyway.

But, don't tell Mr. B, I health-ified his cookies, too. Shhhhhh. I replaced the egg with a flax-egg. I wanted to make his cookies a little healthier; however I can't do too much or he'll know. And also because I wanted to eat a few spoonful(s) of batter. Now we're all happy.

With Love and God Bless,

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to try these cookies!! (and see you of course!)
