
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Via Protein Power Shake

My latest obsession.

Over the last six days, I have started my mornings with this refreshing beverage. I just can't get enough.

It's amazing. It's simple and fast.

It's perfect on those hot and muggy mornings.

It has coffee. And protein. And it's creamy.

And it's versatile. On regular mornings (you know, the ones where I'm rushing out the door because I just could not get out of bed), I use my favorite, unsweetened almond milk, as the base. But it's also perfect as a post-workout beverage. For those times I replace the almond milk with chocolate milk. It gives my muscles an extra power boost.

Via Protein Power Shake

Serves 1

1 c unsweetened almond milk, or chocolate milk (or any milk for that matter)
1 Starbucks Via packet (or any instant coffee packet)
1 scoop vanilla protein powder (chocolate would work well, too)
5-7 ice cubes, or as much ice as you desire

Combine all ingredients in a blender. Blend until smooth, adding more ice until desired consistency is reached. Drink up!

*Note: I'm sure a tablespoon of nut butter would be divine in this beverage, or make it into a dessert shake by adding in a scoop of ice cream instead of ice. Like I said, very versatile.

Oh, and it's National Water a Flower Day. Soooo, hop to it!

With Love and God Bless,


  1. This looks yummy!! It makes me consider purchasing protein powder :)
    Also, I watered LOTS of plants yesterday without even knowing I was participating in this National Day. Go me!

    1. First, go you. And second, could stop by my house before the shower Saturday morning and I'll make you one for breakfast ;)

  2. So I just used this recipe as inspiration for a yummy shake I just had to share! It is so awesome!

    1c almond milk
    1 scoop vanilla protein powder
    1 via packet
    1 frozen banana
    1 spoonful of peanut butter
    2tbsp chocolate syrup

    1. Oh, yes. I'll try that next, Jess! Thanks for sharing <3
