
Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend, remembering those who have and are still defending our freedoms. Maybe you caught a parade, grilled out, and spent time with family and friends. My hubby and I kicked off the weekend with a yard sale (cha-ching), and then we went boating with his mom and step-dad. The day was quite chilly with occasional drizzle, but it was quite nice relaxing and finally enjoying a three-day weekend.

I decided Memorial weekend cannot be celebrated without ice cream, so on Saturday I made two batches: Strawberry-Lime and Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheesecake (which I blogged about here). I don't think my ice cream maker bowl was cold enough because the batter never thickened. I placed it in the freezer anyways and it turned into this ice-like texture. Not good for ice cream. But was quite tasty as a milkshake. Overall, it was a great holiday weekend.

So, here's a currently post to get this short week started! (Read my previous post here.)

I'm currently....

Watching.... nothing really, except some baseball. I've lost interest in TV, and the shows are getting more and more ridiculous. But, I am interested in Dwayne Johnson's new show, The Hero, which begins this Thursday on TNT.

Eating.... This Baked Pasta with Spinach and Ricotta. Except I tried to make it a little healthier and skimped on some of the cheese. It needs the cheese. I like cheesy pasta.

Planning.... my Yogi Kids programs. They're part of this summer's reading program agenda and I'm having a blast looking at all of the fun yoga games we can play. It's on Tuesday evenings, so I'm hoping we can get outside a few times and enjoy some nice weather.

Reading.... I'm in the middle of finishing Killing Kennedy, and just picked up part two of Outlander's seventh installment on audio. Yes, I'm still trekking through these, and the new one comes out in a few months!

Inspired's Bible devotional. Since I joined everyone else and finally bought a smart phone, I downloaded The Bible app. The.Best.Thing.Ever. I'm doing five different daily devotionals, and I have them set throughout the day, so I'm constantly reflecting on God's word.  The following is from this morning's "Hearing From God Each Morning" devotional: Your worst day with God will be better than your worst day without Him. I don't think any sentence has ever been truer.

Excited about...."Dig Into Reading!" Our summer reading program for the kiddos this summer. We've been decorating (as you can see from the above picture) and planning like crazy, and the library's kick-off party is next week. I cannot wait for the kids to experience all of the fun stuff we have for them this summer. Not sure who is more or the kids?

With Love and God Bless,

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