
Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I'm currently....

Watching... (football, obviously...) Rizzoli & Isles. I've been a huge fan of this show since it first aired, but now I'm missing out on the new season since we decided to get rid of cable. So now I'm watching the previous seasons (thanks to my library) on DVD. And can I just say how sad I am about the passing of Lee Thompson Young? (I remember watching him on the Disney Channel!) How one can get that lonely and nobody know will forever be a mystery. This news hit a little close to home; a few family members of mine lost a friend of theirs a few weeks ago to suicide. It's the most selfish thing a human being can do. She left behind a loving husband and eight kids. I pray that family, and Young's, finds strength through our Father to get through this difficult time.

Oh, by the way, it just happens to be World Suicide Prevention Day. If you, or anybody you know, ever have suicidal thoughts, I pray you speak to someone. People care. Strangers do care and will listen. And God is always listening and will comfort those who call upon Him.

Eating...zucchini bread. And more zucchini bread. People keep giving me zucchinis and requesting bread, and I'm flattered that everyone likes my bread. But.grating.all.of.that.zucchini. Good night! At least my arm is getting a work out! I made at least a dozen loaves in the last two months, trying various zucchini bread recipes and combinations. Yet, my favorite is still my own Blueberry Zucchini Bread.

Planning... I have a few major birthdays coming up in my family. I'm knee-deep in birthday gift ideas....that's all I have to say about that ;)

Reading... the young adult Mortal Instruments series. And, to be honest, I'm not impressed. I could take it or leave it, but since I've already invested the time to read the first two installments, I'm sure I'll make time to finish the rest. (It's YA; they're pretty quick reads.) My advice: watch the movie. (Though I haven't seen it yet, I'm not really impressed by the trailer either. Boo.) 

Inspired by.... my new yoga class. A yoga studio, One Love Yoga Boutique, just opened up less than 10 minutes from my house, in my old college neighborhood of Kent, OH. I attended my first class (my first yoga class ever, that is. Gasp! I know, you'd think I'd be coming and going from class after class, but nope. I'm self-taught) and absolutely fell in love with the quaint boutique. The friendly staff and instructors. The studio. The Robeks kiosk. And the practice. I plan to devout a whole post to this experience, so stay tuned!

Excited about... I was excited about my brother flying home this weekend for two family weddings. However yesterday, he made the unfortunate telephone call to inform me he had to cancel his flight due to an emergency at work. Now, I'm bummed. Sad. Depressed at the thought that I'll have to wait until Christmas to see him. I miss him. I miss making him dinner and treats, seeing his car pull up, and his stupid, brotherly smirks, and much more. But I digress. (I'm still super excited about the weddings and seeing the rest of my family.)

On a more positive note, I'm excited for everything fall. Because it's my favorite. Bring on comfy sweaters, chilly mornings, beautiful colors, apple cider, and boots.

With Love and God Bless,

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