
Saturday, October 12, 2013

A Photo an Hour

7 AM

8 AM

9 AM

10 AM

11 AM

12 AM


2 PM

3 PM

4 PM

5 PM

6 PM

7 PM

8 PM

9 PM

Mr. B and I were off on the same day finally and with no place to be, so we took advantage and went shopping....which didn't last long because we had to get groceries and had to be home by early afternoon because someone was coming to install our new thermostat system. Mr. B is all excited because he can control the temperature through the app on my phone...boys and their toys. Plus, I had book club and I LOVE seeing my girls and catching up. But the hubby and I were able to fit in a walk to the park. It was a GORGEOUS fall day.

With Love and God Bless,

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